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Q: How long does nail polisih it self suppost to last?
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How long does essie nail polish last?

A week, like any other good nail polish.

How long do Sally Hansen nail strips last?

10 days

How long does pure ice nail polish last?

about 3 to 5 days

What nail polish stays on the longest?

O.P.I. lasts a long time. Regular Sally Hanson nail polish does not last quite as long as O.P.I, though the non-chip nail polish lasts pretty long.

Who made finger nail polish?

The Chinese made nail polish a long, long, long, long, long, long, long time ago.

How long is a nail?

As long as you need it to be.

Is nail a long vowel?

No, the word "nail" does not contain a long vowel. The "a" in nail makes a short vowel sound.

Does nail have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "nail" has a long A sound, which is created by the pronunciation of the AI pair as AY.

Does nail have a long vowel sound?

No, the word "nail" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel 'a' in "nail" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.

How long are hamsters tails?

My dwarf hamster's tail is about the size of my pinky nail. How long is your pinky nail?

Can nail polish damage your nail?

Over long periods of time, nail polish can possibly damage a nail. Wearing nail polish constantly does not let the nail breathe and the nail can turn a yellow color. As long as you make sure to let your nails breathe once in a while, you should be fine!

Does lighter nail polish stay longer than darker?

yes it does last longer, because with the expensive nail polish the people who make it only concentrate on making it look like its worth a lot of money, when really it doesnt last as long as cheap nail polish does.