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Sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for about five days. Though it is important to remember that a woman may not show signs that she is pregnant immediately, and won't test positive on a pregnancy test for the first two weeks or so.

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Q: How long does sperm live in a girls body?
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How long can sperm live in a womens body?

how long can sperm live in a women's body

How long does sperm live inside womens body when not ovulating?

Sperm typically live for 72 hrs.

How long does sperm live when its outside the body?

Once it hits air, its (( dead )). It can live inside the body for 5-6 days

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How long sperm live in a female body while she on her period?

How long sperm can survive in the female body depends on how healthy the sperm are and whether the female is fertile at the time. If there is fertile quality cervical mucus present then sperm can potential survive for up to a week within her body.

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Sperm cannot live for very long outside of the body

How long can sperm live in the woman's body while shes on birth control?

Birth control doesn't affect the sperm's life span. They can live about five days.

How long does sperm live outside of the body?

Maximum 36 hours. Normally once a "sperm" reaches oxygen it is no longer effective.

If swallow how long can sperm live in an others body?

The sperm in the digestive organs cant live more than 30 min. The protein will soon be decomposes from the gaster's acids. Engineer of Biotechnology

Can you obtain a sperm of your dead boy friend body or clothes?

You can get traces and evidence but sperm cannot live very long outside a human body so you will have to be real quick if you want to make a baby with it.

How long does sperm live inside a woman after sex?

Sperm lasts anywhere from several hours to 2 days. Actually, according to scientists, sperm can live in a woman's body up to 5, sometimes 6 or 7 days depending on the right invironment and the acidity on the inside of the woman's body. Hope I helped!!

Sperm how long does it last outside the body?

It can live up to a half hour after ejaculation under the absolute best conditions,