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Q: How long does surgery like while under anesthesia?
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Should you eat a big meal before anaesthetic?

absolutely not. The anesthesia can make you nauseous while under, causing to possibly vomit and you could choke on it, or cause lung infections like pneumonia. do not eat for about 8 hours before surgery

What is a anesthesiologist schedule like?

The anesthesia provider is responsible for keeping the patient anesthetized during surgery and vigilantly monitoring their vital signs, ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) while the patient is under anesthesia or sedation. They monitor fluid input and output; placing IVs or central lines as necessary to deliver IV fluids, drugs, or blood or blood products during surgery. General anesthesia requires the anesthesia provider to intubate the patient, which is to place a breathing tube through the mouth into the trachea, or "windpipe," which remains in place during surgery. Surgery can be done with general anesthesia, regional anesthesia (spinals, epidurals, or peripheral nerve blocks), or monitored anesthesia care (MAC), which was formerly known as "local [anesthesia] with sedation." The anesthesia provider is responsible for the patient's care during the initial post-operative period in the recovery room. They determine when the patient is ready for extubation (removal of the breathing tube), which is usually -- but not always -- done in the operating room after the patient is awakened from general anesthesia, but before they go to the recovery room (or "PACU," post-anesthesia care unit).

Discuss the parenteral administration route used in surgery?

In surgery, anesthesia is given so the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. In minor surgeries, local anesthesia is used. In procedures like caesarian section, regional anesthesia is given through the spinal cord. In other surgeries general anesthesia is given through the respiratory system, by inhalation.

What kind of operation involves local anesthesia?

Some that involve local anesthesia are: some dental work (like extracting teeth, getting a crown, etc.) Stitches (sometimes), and some minor cosmetic surgery.

Does it hurt getting your adenoids out?

When you get your adenoids out, you go into the hospital and get an IV, which is a needle that they stick in your vein. This may or may not hurt, depending on your sensitivity. You have a choice of local anesthesia, which can numb the injection area, so it feels like a little poke. Then, you go in to the operating room, and they administer anesthesia (knocking you out), and then they take out your adenoids. While under anesthesia, you do not feel anything, because you are in a deep state of unconsciousness. You wake up three to five hours later with a very sore throat and shivers. Afterwards, you go home and sleep some more. While the surgery isn't painful, the recovery is.

What can be the cause of the right side of the face to feel like it is under dental anesthesia?

bell's palsy

Constipation for 5 day after an operation?

Its not uncommon. There are varying degrees of anesthesia. For more serious and invasive procedures the patient is put under deeper. When under deep anesthesia the patient's intestines may cease peristalsis. Peristalsis is the slow, rhythmic radial contraction of the intestine, which moves the waste material along. On coming out of anesthesia the patient is usually under narcotics, and this can slow the body's resumption of peristalsis. In the US these days they like to hustle patients out of the hospital just as soon as possible after surgery, but the patient generally can not be discharged until after the patient has had a post-operative bowel movement.

Are there any risks of bypass surgery?

Anytime you have surgery there are risks, especially when you are dealing with general anesthesia like you will be with gastric bypass surgery. The risks with this kind of surgery may also very from person to person. The best thing to do would be to talk to your doctor because he/she will be able to give you the most educated opinion in if this surgery is best for you.

What risks exist for the patient in undergoing testicular surgery?

Testicular surgery, like any major surgery, can have postoperative complications. These complications include internal bleeding and wound infection, as well as adverse reactions to anesthesia. About 10-15% of patients develop fertility problems.

How long can you be under anesthesia?

There is no evidence that the duration of general anesthesia by itself increases the risks of anesthesia complications. Studies of anesthesia-related risk have shown correlation with other factors, such as:Your general medical condition especially problems like diabetes, heart or lung disease, malnutrition or obesity,Your functional status, that is your ability to tolerate at least moderate levels of physical activity.Obviously, anesthetic outcomes are also related to the skill and experience of the anesthesiologist that is taking care of you. The anesthetic needs to be tailored to your medical condition, to the surgery itself, and wherever possible, to your individual preferences.Source:

How do you make a general anaesthetic?

General anesthesia is a combination of medications that put you in a sleep-like state before a surgery or other medical procedure. Under general anesthesia, you don't feel pain because you're completely unconscious. General anesthesia usually uses a combination of intravenous drugs and inhaled gasses (anesthetics). General anesthesia is more than just being asleep, though it will likely feel that way to you. But the anesthetized brain doesn't respond to pain signals or reflexes. An anesthesiologist is a specially trained doctor who specializes in anesthesia. While you're under anesthesia, the anesthesiologist monitors your body's vital functions and manages your breathing. How you prepare General anesthesia relaxes the muscles in your digestive tract and airway that keep food and acid from passing from your stomach into your lungs. Always follow your doctor's instructions about avoiding food and drink before surgery. Fasting is usually necessary starting about six hours before your surgery. You may be able to drink clear fluids until a few hours prior. Your doctor may tell you to take some of your regular medications with a small sip of water during your fasting time. Discuss your medications with your doctor. You may need to avoid some medications, such as aspirin and some other over-the-counter blood thinners, for at least a week before your procedure. These medications may cause complications during surgery. Some vitamins and herbal remedies, such as ginseng, garlic, Ginkgo biloba, St. John's wort, kava and others, may cause complications during surgery. Discuss the types of dietary supplements you take with your doctor before your surgery. If you have diabetes, talk with your doctor about any changes to your medications during the fasting period. Usually you won't take oral diabetes medication the morning of your surgery. If you take insulin, your doctor may recommend a reduced dose. If you have sleep apnea, discuss your condition with your doctor. The anesthesiologist or anesthetist will need to carefully monitor your breathing during and after your surgery.