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Q: How long does the average person live after taking social security?
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Why does a martial art school need your social security number?

If the school is your employer, and they are taking out Social Security taxes from your pay check then, yes they need your social security.

Social security amd medicare are taking out of your income as taxes?

Yes. Social Security and Medicare are taken out of your income before you see your paycheck. Your employer also pays an additional Social Security and Medicare tax to your account.

When will they stop taking social security out of your check in 2010?

Social Security tax withheld from employees during the year 2010 will be 6.2% of the first $106,800. So, once you've paid $6,621.60 (6.2% x $106,800), you will be done contributing for 2010.

How is Social Security an example income redistribution?

Social Security is an example of income redistribution by taking a small amount of earned income and storing it over time.

Can your employer pay for my medicare premium?

can my employer pay my medicare premium instead of taking it out of social security

Can I get social security benefits if I retired from taking care of a family member?

Usually not for that.You only qualify for social security benefits if you earned wages for the work and both you and your employer payed into social security. On normal jobs your portion of this payment is taken automatically from your paycheck in a deduction called the FICA deduction.

Should Workman's compensation use your Social Security as offset for their payments?

If Social Security is a Constitutionally, Legal, Federal Government Program the answer is no. If Social Security is an unConstitutional, Federal Government Program the answer is still no. Money was taken from the workers wages by the Federal Government which promised to return the money at retirement, or in case of a debilitating injury. Legal or not legal, to take a mans money from him without his expressed permission is robbery. Workman's Compensation, by taking a workers Social Security wages, is guilty of theft if Social Security is Constitutional, or guilty of accessory to theft if Social Security is unConstitutional.

Can you be arrested for using someones else's Social Security number to take out a cellphone plan?

Yes, Identity Theft includes taking or using someone's Social Security Number. Identify Theft that includes theft of services or goods is illegal. Both Identity Theft and Theft of services or goods are criminal acts for which a person can be fined, face jail time, and be required to pay restitution.

Maximizing Your Social Security?

For many Americans, Social Security benefits are one of their most important retirement assets. Unfortunately, too many decide to begin taking their benefits early, with no advice and without taking their spouse’s Social Security decision into account. A well-researched strategy for claiming Social Security benefits specific to your circumstances and retirement goals can make a substantial difference in your financial well-being, retirement lifestyle options, and the overall success of your retirement. For some of our high net-worth clients, Social Security is only a small portion of their retirement income needs. However, given that Social Security is a guaranteed income stream for life with inflation adjustment, it can also be a crucial part of planning for the surviving spouse. Considering the many ways that you can claim Social Security, it makes sense to optimize strategies to maximize your benefits and add alpha to your wealth. With Social Security benefits backed by the U.S. government, once you’ve considered and have made your choices, you will also receive an annual cost-of-living adjustment. We like our clients to view their Social Security benefits like an inflation-adjusted lifetime income annuity. In 2022, the Social Security Administration announced a major cost-of-living increase of 8.7% to offset inflation of 8.3%. This is the biggest increase since 1981. When it comes to planning your retirement income, it’s incredibly important to consider the social security benefits you’ll be earning. Unfortunately, it’s not as cut and dry as just relying on a given number — the amount of your social security benefits are determined by a number of factors. There are several things you can do to maximize your social security. At Advanced Wealth Management, we can take an in-depth look at your specific situation and give you professional advice on how you can maximize your benefits. Want to know how you can claim the maximum benefit when the time for your retirement arrives? Fill out the form below to calculate the best time to start your social security benefits.

How is social security an example of income redistribution?

Social Security is a government redistribution program. It works something like this: All people between the ages of 18 (threshold of adulthood) and 62 (age of "retiree") pay a tax based on their income to the Social Security fund All people over the age of 62 collect a monthly check from the Social Security fund depending on their situation (married, number of dependents etc). This essentially means the money is being redistributed from youthful wage-earners to elderly retirees.

Did Mitt Romney started taking his Social Security benefits and his governors pension from Massachusetts yet?

Mitt Romney isn\'t eligible for a state pension.

What are some difficulties when taking care of a mentally disabled person?

A lot of personal time used, struggled social lives.