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Q: How long does the blood clot stay after a tooth is pulled?
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How long do you half to wait to eat after a tooth is pulled?

4 Hours. And make sure between the time you got it pulled and maybe an hour after that you spit everything not swallow. this helps the blood clot form so it doesnt continue bleeding.

How long can you have a blood clot before you know so?

how long can u have a blood clot before u know u have it

How long after a molar tooth extraction can you swim?

You should wait at least 4 or 5 days after a molar tooth extraction before you go swimming. This activity can get your blood pumping fast and dislodge the clot giving you dry socket.

How long after tooth pulled before drinking carbonated drinks?

I would probably wait a day for the wound to fully clot and if it feels still sensitive with your tongue then it's probably not a good idea to drink carbonated liquids.

How long does a tooth extraction hole stay open?

The blood clot may stay in the root or hole of the extracted tooth for as long as two to four weeks, it all is determined by what type of tooth was extracted. Your best bet is to follow the rinsing directions of your dentist and all will go as directed.

What is the medical term meaning the rate at which blood will clot?

The term for a blood clot depends on whether the clot is stationary or has migrated into the blood stream. A stationary clot that is lodged in the heart or any other organ, is known as a "thrombus". If the blood clot goes elsewhere via the bloodstream, then it is called an embolism.

How long do you keep the cotton in mouth after getting tooth pulled?

2 hour's

How long for the hole to close up after tooth pulled out?

Like one week

How long does it takes blood to clot in a red tube?

30 min

How long to stay in hospital after having a blood clot removed?

3 days

How long does it take for blood to clot?

This is dependent entirely on how large the clot is, where it is at, how the person's blood chemistry is, and so on. The short answer is- each situation is entirely unique and assessed on an individual basis.

How long does it take a blood clot to to travel to your lungs or heart?

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