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Q: How long does the rubidium to become stable?
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How long is Rubidium's half life?

Most rubidium (about 72.2%) is of the isotope 85Rb, which is stable. The remainder of natural rubidium (about 27.8%) is of isotope 87Rb, which has a half life of 4.88 x 1010 years and decays into 87Sr. There are a number of other isotopes of Rubidium, all of which are synthetic, having half lives ranging from less than a microsecond to something more than 86 days.

How does an atom of rubidium-85 become a rubidium ion with a 1 charge?

The atom loses 1 electron to have a total of 36.

How do you process rubidium?

Pure rubidium is obtained after a very long process of repeated fractional ceystallizations.

Would rubidium be reactive and lose one electron to form an ionic bond?

yes because rubidium has only 1 electron on the outer shell so is not stable and because is far away from the nucleus the attraction is weaker therefore is more likely to react faster with another atom and get stable

Does a reaction occur between rubidium and lithium chloride?

Yes. As long as rubidium is kept away from air it can. But, this is very difficult. Rubidium + Air = Explosion. Formula would be LiCl + Rb --> RbCl + Li.

Is group 1 on the periodic table stable?

group 1 would be the Alkali Metals: Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium

What is the name of RbClO3?

Rubidium hypochlorite is the name for this chemical formula.

What period is the element rb in the periodic table?

Rb is the symbol for the element, rubidium.

What is the formula and name for Rb O?

Rb is rubidium, O is oxygen. They will combine to form Rb2O which is called rubidium oxide.

What element has 48 nuetrons?

There are stable isotopes of four elements with 48 neutrons: selenium-82, krypton-84, rubidium-85, and strontium-86.

What is rubidium made of?

Rubidium is an element and so it is made of nothing but rubidium.

When atoms combine to form compound do they become more stable or less stable?

More stable