

Best Answer

1 day - 15 months (approximate)

Ringworm/Tinea is a broad term that describes a condition caused by many different types of micro-organisms, usually a fungus or dermatophyte. Tinea Pedis (or fungus of the foot), can be caused by many types of fungus, but the most common is Trichophyton Rubrum.

Because the condition can be caused by many different types of organisms, it's impossible to say exactly how long it could survive. The most inclusive answer is: anywhere from 15 months to a few days.

It's also worth mentioning that the type of environment or surface will affect the survival period greatly. Direct sunlight (UV light) kills most fungi and mold pretty quickly, so outdoor surfaces which receive plenty of direct sunlight should be clean fairly quickly. Silver has great antimicrobial properties, so silver surfaces (and/or socks with anti-microbial silver lining) may not harbor the fungus for very long. Fungi also require moisture to survive, so any material which harbors moisture (such as cloth, carpet, porous surfaces) may extend the lifespan of the fungus and make it more difficult to clean thoroughly. Shoes, which often have soft linings and spongy pads stay dark and damp long after removed from contact with moisture. They also harbor skin cells and bacteria which can act as food. So shoes, if not properly sanitized after being worn without socks, may harbor the fungus for a fairly extended period of time. These facts explain why tinea is so commonly picked up at communal showers, locker rooms, and gyms... the fungus can be deposited on the floor, where it can stay moist for extended periods of time each and every day.

The best way to be sure is to sanitize your own belongings (bleach works for white laundry, and lysol works for everything else), not share belongings with others, and always wear shower shoes or sandals while in public restrooms, showers, or locker rooms. (remember to follow the directions for lysol, allow to soak for at least 10 minutes on non-porous surfaces, allow to air-dry on porous surfaces... test for colorfastness)

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Q: How long does the tinea pedis fungus live on surfaces?
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Does Carnivorous Fungi eat humans?

I am investigating the possibility that there may be a form of carnivorous fungi which can infect humans. It would manifest in scalp region, and spores may have systemic consequences. No evidence that it becomes dangerous. I would consider it to be a parasite. May have been used by geneticists to develop novel pesticide\insecticide, but so far, I have not discovered evidence of this. 2nd Answer: True, but there are a number of fungi who do eat tiny, tiny bits of humans, usually on the skin. Some examples are the Ringworm fungus, the tinea corporis fungus that also live on human skin, the tinea cruris usually in the groin area (Jock itch), and its cousin, tinea pedis, which infects the feet, especially between the toes. (Athlete's foot), and tinea unguium which grow under the toenails. In addition, there are a number of fungi that can infect the inside of the body, and which can be deadly, as there are few medicines that will kill their spores.

Fungi on a tree is called?

fungus on a tree is called shelf fungus from the phylum basidiomycota and the kingdom fungi comenly found on dead trees or live ones and are parisitic

What are mushrooms and seaweeds?

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of a fungus. Seaweeds are plants that live in the sea.

Can fungus live in moist environments?

Yes, they do . Fungus usually grow and develop in wet and dark environments .

Can strep bacteria live in the air?

Yes, strep bacteria can live in the air. However, it can only live in the air for only a short time. It also can live on surfaces such as doorknobs and tables for a short period of time.

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Can you get tinea pedis from a person Does athlete's foot spread through or arounf your body?

Yes you can get tinea pedis, even if you didn't have it to begin with, because you can catch the infectious disease that the fungi has and if not treated it is not the way to live!!!! So make sure if you have a itchy symptom and your skin is flakey,drypeling,red and pink, and getting worse in sympoms then get to the doctor-dude! Thanks!

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Ringworm is not caused by a worm. It is caused by a fungus. The kinds of fungi (plural of fungus) that cause ringworm live and spread on the top layer of the skin and on the hair. They grow best in warm, moist areas, such as locker rooms and swimming pools, and in skin folds.

Does Carnivorous Fungi eat humans?

I am investigating the possibility that there may be a form of carnivorous fungi which can infect humans. It would manifest in scalp region, and spores may have systemic consequences. No evidence that it becomes dangerous. I would consider it to be a parasite. May have been used by geneticists to develop novel pesticide\insecticide, but so far, I have not discovered evidence of this. 2nd Answer: True, but there are a number of fungi who do eat tiny, tiny bits of humans, usually on the skin. Some examples are the Ringworm fungus, the tinea corporis fungus that also live on human skin, the tinea cruris usually in the groin area (Jock itch), and its cousin, tinea pedis, which infects the feet, especially between the toes. (Athlete's foot), and tinea unguium which grow under the toenails. In addition, there are a number of fungi that can infect the inside of the body, and which can be deadly, as there are few medicines that will kill their spores.

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