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Q: How long does this pill stay in your system after you stop taking them endocet 5 mg?
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If you stop taking depo and start taking the pill how long will it stay in your system?

The birth control pill does not change how long depo provera stays in your system, and doesn't get it out of your system faster.

If you stop taking the pill mid cycle how long till it is out of your system?

Three or so days. After that you can get pregnant.

What is the street price of endocet 10?

69 dollars a pill. unless not purchased in bulk, then they are 699.69

Does the pill keep your breast bigger?

An estrogen pill will make your breasts bigger as long as you keep taking the pill. If you stop taking the estrogen pill then your breasts will stop growing.

How long will you bleed after you stop taking the pill?

a week

If you took a pill and threw up will it still be in your system?

Not if you threw up within the first hour after taking the pill.

How long does it take oxycotton to get out of your system after taking 1 pill a day for three days?

Usually depends on your body weight. For most it takes at least three (3) days to get out of your system.

What to do if you vomit two hour after taking the pill?

If you vomit two hours after taking the pill, it probably got into your system. Even if it wasn't fully absorbed, there's little risk of pregnancy if you had no other mistakes with the pill.

How much of a gap do you leave with the pill?

With the 21 day pill, you leave a gap of 7 days. As long as you have been taking your pills as directed, you do not need additional contraception for the non pill-taking days.

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How long does the pill stay in your system when you quit using it?

The hormones from the pill are out of your system within a couple days once you stop the pill. However, you may not be able to conceive immediately.

How long would one 40 mg pill of Fioricet stay in your system -I only took that one pill. I may be drug tested on Thurs at 2pm and I took the pill Tuesday at 5pm.?

I was drug tested for a job 4 days after taking a single fioricet. It showed up. As long as you have a prescription and it can be verified, you will be fine. I got a call from a 2nd lab and they verified the prescription. Job attained. how long does this drug stay in your system?