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Q: How long does your hair grow every day?
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How do you grow long hair in 3 days?

It can't be just keep shampooing every day.

How many hair grow in a day?

100 hairs grow on your head each and every day.

Does milk help your hair grow?

yes!! it also helps your nails grow. if you drink one cup of milk every day for 10 days, your hair will grow 2.76588920 long.

How do you get hair like Harry Styles?

Grow it long then curl it every day or just hire his hairdresser

How long does your hair grow in a day?


How do you keep long hair thick?

Hair, we can grow it as long as we want but it might be untidy and hard to take care of, right? Well, unless you spend like every hour of the day cleaning your hair then it won't be so bad... But, you don't have time to do that... I suggest you to cut your hair. and then, it can grow long.

How fast does hair grow daily?

Hair grows approx 12mm every day

How can I grow my hair faster?

To make you hair grow just snip off 1-2 centimeters of your hair every day and you are removing the areas that stop your hair growing

Does your hair grow every day?

Yes. Hair grows approximately 1 inch per month.

Does turning you head upside down help hair growth?

No you cant make your hair grow.It does it naturally.If you want your hair to be long every 4 months cut only a inch of (dead ends) so that it can grow better.Make sure you wash your hair every other day to keep it nice__________________Actually, hair should be trimmed every 8 weeks for it to be healthy and grow quickly.

How do you use hair in a sentence?

She washed her hair every day. His hair was long and dirty.

Is curly perm able to make your hair grow quicker?

No, nothing can make your hair grow faster. But if you wash your hair every other day and take vitamins you can keep it strong and able to grow! :)