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Q: How long has China's government structure been in place?
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How long has the current government structure in Bulgaria been in place?

It has been in place from 1990 onwards (after the Grand Pariamentary assembly).

How long has the Chinese government structure been in place?

since the year of our lord in 1995, when angus young was duck walking and jimi Hendrix was dead!

How long has the government structure been in place?

im not 100% sure but if u google it u could find out!

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The basic structure of the Church that has been in place since the Church's beginning.

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No it's a place where planes have been crashed and ships have wrecked.

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Japan learned how NOT to react to the westerners from Chinas example and emerged as a military and imperial power Japan was more successful than China when it came to independence because Japan government modernize and industrialize along Western line quickly. This helped them with not been under Western power.

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The US government has been in place the signing of the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. The signing of this document was a way for America to show it's independence from the British Empire.

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they call themselves communist, but in reality no place has ever been communist

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Grain ,Rice and corn anyone tell you different they have apparently never been to china to ask this question =]

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No, there has never been a fiend-specific structure deck. but there has been a structure deck that has mostly fiends

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The dependents population usually depend on the system of government that has been put in place.

What has been vietnam's relationship with china from 1975 to the present?

During the cold war (which ended twenty years ago) there were TWO Chinas. Which one are you questioning: Communist China or Nationalist China?