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Q: How long has coal from the Appalachian Mountains Wyoming and British Columbia supplied energy?
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Related questions

Does British Columbia have plains or mountains?

British Columbia has plenty of mountains. It also has plains in its northeast corner.

What provinces of Canada are the rocky mountains in?

Alberta and british Columbia The Rocky Mountains pass through the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. Neither of those provinces are entirely contained within the mountains, however. British Columbia and Alberta Alberta. :)

Which mountains does the Columbia river begins?

The Rocky Mountains.

What are the highest landforms in British Columbia?

the mountains

Is British Columbia flat?

No, it has the Rocky Mountains.

Where did proclamation of 1763 divide British territory?

It divided it at the Appalachian mountains.

What province in Canada has the most mountains?

British Columbia has the most mountains in it, but also has prairie and ranchland, as well as some orchards to the south,

What mountain range separates British Columbia from Alberta?

The mountain range that forms the boundary between British Columbia and Alberta in Canada is the Rocky Mountains. The highest point in Alberta is called Mount Columbia.

What provinces are the rocky mountains located?

The Rocky Mountains are located in British Columbia.

What are British Columbia's landforms?

mountains...Lynn Robertson.

Where are the sasquacthes?

In the Rockie Mountains of British Columbia, Canada.

What is the name of Rocky Mountains in Canada?

British Columbia, and the Yukon territory are both part the the western mountain region. British Columbia, and the Yukon territory are both part the the western mountain region. British Columbia, and the Yukon territory are both part the the western mountain region.