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It has been seven years since Hester stood on the scaffold holding Pearl as an infant.

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Q: How long has it been since Hester stood on the scaffold holding Pearl as an infant?
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How much time has passed since Hester first stood with the infant pearl on the scaffold?

7 years

Where have Hester and Pearl been before they arrive at the scaffold on their way home?

Hester and Pearl had been visiting Governor Bellingham's house, where they were discussing Pearl being taken away from Hester. On their way home, they stop at the scaffold where Hester was punished.

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Hester Prynne joins Dimmesdale in his vigil on the scaffold, holding hands with him as they watch the procession go by. Pearl also ends up joining them, refusing to leave Dimmesdale's side.

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In chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter, after Hester leaves the jail, she is publicly displayed on a scaffold holding her infant daughter, Pearl. She is subjected to public humiliation and forced to wear the embroidered scarlet letter 'A' on her chest as a form of punishment for her adultery.

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Roger Chillingworth approaches Dimmesdale just as he invites Pearl and Hester to join him near the scaffold.

How is the scaffold symbolism in The Scarlet Letter?

The scaffold in "The Scarlet Letter" symbolizes both public shame and judgment, as well as a place of redemption and transformation. It is where Hester Prynne is publicly humiliated, but also where she finds the strength to overcome her sin and grow as a person. The scaffold represents the intersection of sin, society, and individual conscience throughout the novel.

Why would pearl not come to hester What does pearl require hester to do before she will come to hester?

Pearl does not initially come to Hester because she is a child with a free spirit and an independent nature. Pearl requires Hester to publicly acknowledge her sin and shame by wearing the scarlet letter openly before she will come to her.

Foreshadowing The Scarlet Letter?

In "The Scarlet Letter," foreshadowing is used to hint at future events, such as Hester's public shaming in the first scaffold scene foreshadowing her later confrontation with Roger Chillingworth. Symbolism also plays a role in foreshadowing, like the scarlet letter itself serving as a constant reminder of Hester's sin and leading to her eventual redemption. Overall, Hawthorne's use of foreshadowing creates a sense of inevitability and tension in the narrative.

Where does Hester stand during the procession and during Dimmesdales sermon in the church?

During the procession, Hester stands on the scaffold in the marketplace with her daughter Pearl. During Dimmesdale's sermon in the church, she stands in the back of the congregation, unseen by the rest of the town.

What did Dimmesdale tell the people of New England before he died?

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What devices are used in scarlet letter that represent sin?

The scaffold, the scarlet letter itself, and Pearl are all devices in "The Scarlet Letter" that symbolize sin and its consequences. The scaffold is where public shaming occurs, the scarlet letter is a physical reminder of Hester's sin, and Pearl embodies the product of Hester's sin.

In The Scarlet Letter when does pearl stop throwing stones?

Pearl stops throwing stones when Dimmesdale stands with Hester and Pearl on the scaffold in the marketplace at the end of the novel. At this moment, it symbolizes her acceptance of her family and their collective sin.