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It's been used since ancient times.

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Q: How long has the death penalty used and where?
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How long does the death penalty last for a University?

The Death Penalty changes from case to case but is a minimum of 5 years

Does Mexico use the Death Penalty?

The death penalty is only used for treason and to a limited degree in the military.

How long ago did Massachusetts have the death penalty?

Not since 1947.

Where has eye for an eye been used?

The Death Penalty

What term is used for capital punishment?

The death penalty.

How do you feel about the death penalty in the past?

The death penalty was extremely unfair for some people, but for the rest of us it was justice........ In the states the death penalty is still used in 37 states and by the Federal Government and the US Military.

Death penalty changes?

DEATH PENALTY HAVE CHANGED OVER YEARS BECAUSE THEY VIOLET HUMANS RIGHTS LONG BACK PEOPLE WHERE SENTENCED TO DEATH PERNALTY BUT NOW ITS DIFFERENT VIEWS AND CHALLENGES AND OLSO THEE CHANGE OF TECHnology there are now injectoins that can put you to death unlike long back when we used to stone,boil,strangle and even hang the persons

How many states were there when the death penalty started?

There were the original 13 states, although the death penalty was established in the US long before the US was a separate nation.

Is there a Death penalty in the us military?

Yes, but rarely used.

Is Texas for or against the death penalty?

For. If most of the citizens in Texas did not want the death penalty, there would be no death penalty.

Is the death penalty used in all stated and federal government?

SOME states have passed legislaion outlawing the death penalty. Many, including the Federal Government, have not.

Should the death penalty be mandatory for all first degree murders convictions?

No. There is a long and complex constitutional history on the death penalty, but quite simply, mandating the death penalty for any crime would be unconstitutional in the US. It would also be morally wrong.