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Q: How long has the whale shark been on the endangered species list?
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How long have humpbacks been on the endangered list?

Different shark species landed on the endangered species list at different times. Some species of critically endangered sharks include the ground shark, dogfish, and the angel shark.

When has the grey whale been put onto the endangered species list and what reasons put the whale on there?

The grey whale was put on the endangered species list because of people over hunting them and habitat destruction

What changes have occurred in the killer whales environment to make it endangered?

There have been no major changes in the killer whale's environment, and they are not an endangered species.

How long is the biggest fish?

the largest fish species is the whale shark which has been found to have grown to 41 and a half feet.

Are humpback whale engdanger?

Since 1966, humpback whales have been labeled and protected as endangered. There are certain associations, groups, and fisherman, who are trying to get the government to release the humpback whales from the endangered list. Today, the humpback whale is listed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN. Not an endangered species.

Is the whale shark a whale or a dolphin?

Yes. It's the worlds biggest fish to be exact, closely followed by the basking shark. (In case you were wondering, yes, a shark is a fish). From the shark expert girl. Obvious it is a shark. There is a clue in the name. From the master of sharks. Nab 99 (the master of sharks), you shouldn't be so mean. It could have been a whale, from the shark expert girl. From i.mako: Actually, many scientists will argue that a shark is it's own species and in fact not a fish. I agree with those scientists.

Can a shark eat a blue whale?

Yes, I think it can. I heard that sharks had been killing them and blue whales are endangered so people aren't very impressed with the sharks.

How many humans killed per year?

Over 400,000 shark been killed by humans each year now sharks are endangered species

What monster shark is not dangerous to people?

None, they are all out to kill, if you encounter one it will kill you. It will hurt, and you will bleed, a slow and painful death.ANSWERSharks do not seek out and kill humans. Occasionally some sharks, such as the great white shark, attack humans because they mistake them for their preferred prey (seals in the case of the great white). Shark attacks are relatively rare, although I don't advise going up close with most species of shark without a professional. Most species of large sharks have been known to attack humans occasionally, although the whale shark (the largest species of shark in the world) are not known to have ever purposefully attacked a human, although an accidental blow from its tail could be dangerous.

What was the first species of whale to become endangered?

The first whale to be declared officially endangered was the Gray Whale. In 1936 Gray Whales were protected from commerical hunting. The International Whaling Commission has been protecting them since 1949. Today, they are not hunted on a large scale. For more details please, see the sites listed below.

What is bigger a whale shark or a great white shark?

Whale shark, it grows to about 40 feet. The white shark grows to about 23 feet.Whale sharks are bigger.The largest whale sharks can reach 12 meters in length while great white sharks only reach 8 meters, at the most.

Can a shark eat a whale shark Are sharks cannibals?

Sharks can not eat whale sharks as whale sharks are proportionally bigger than sharks. Sharks may scavenge off dead whale sharks but the probability of live whale sharks being eaten is highly unlikely. Some species of shark are cannibals and babies will often eat each other while inside the womb.______________________________________________________________________________Just a short note to remind whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) were contemporaneous with C. Megalodon, and in the same waters.That contributed for the whale shark to be included in the megalodon's menu although they have been extinct for millions of years.