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Sence the Earth is close to the sun no it is not cold it is sometime cold and sometimes not but you see for yourselves by exsperimenting I did it you do it. :)

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Q: How long have Earthquakes and Landslides have been on earth?
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What natural hazards are associated with long valley caldera in clifornia's mammoth mountains?

earthquakes and landslides.

What year did first earthquake start?

They never "started", earthquakes have been going on for as long as the earth has been around.

How long have earthquakes been around?

The earth's crust is first thought to have formed around 100 million years after the initial formation of the earth. As such it is likely that there have been earthquakes occurring for approximately 4.4 billion years.

Were there earthquakes before humans were on earth?

Humans have walked the earth for the last 50 - 200K years. There have been earthquakes since the formation of the planet ~4.5 billions years ago - long before humans were around.

Did earthquake activity affect earth in the distant past?

as long as the earth has existed earthquakes have affected it

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How likely would an earthquake happen again?

Earthquakes have been happening since shortly after earth's formation, and will continue to happen as long as earth exists. They can cause horrific damage and loss of life, but they are completely "natural" to the geology of earth.

How many earthquakes have been felt in Long Eaton?

3 around 1984

What is the difference between long-term earthquakes and short-term?

long term earthquakes are earthquakes that are for a long period of time and short term earthquakes are when the earthquakes are for a short period of time

How long have mice been on this earth?

they have been on the earth for along time

How long has wood been on earth?

forever it was on earth when the earth was made

How long have seismologist been studying earthquakes?

its only been around for 120 years wow :) your welcome for answering my uncle was a seismologist