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Ecstasy (MDMA) was patented in 1913 by a German chemical company called Merck, but the company never released the drug for sale to the public.

As early as the 1960s, people started taking Ecstasy recreationally, but its use was very rare. It did not become popular until the late seventies, when a man named Alexander Shulgin started doing research on the drug, as he and some psychiatrists thought it might have a therapeutic use. It started becoming a popular party drug in Texas in the early 1980s, and from then on rose in popularity throughout the rest of the country, and eventually the rest of the world. It was outlawed in the United States in 1985.

It has been around since 300 BC.
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1mo ago

Ecstasy, or MDMA, was first synthesized in 1912 by German chemist Anton Kollisch. However, its psychoactive effects were not discovered until the 1970s. Its recreational use became popular in the 1980s and has since remained a widely used party drug.

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4-5 days. (:

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After ingesting an ecstasy pill, you may start feeling its effects within 30 minutes to one hour, but it can vary depending on factors like metabolism, dosage, and whether it was taken on an empty stomach. It's essential to wait for the full effects before deciding to take more, typically within 1.5 to 2 hours.

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