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Q: How long have hominids been around for?
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What percentage of time have hominids existed?

Hominids have existed for approximately 2-3% of the total time that life has been present on Earth, which is estimated to be around 3.5 billion years. This means that hominids have been around for roughly 6-7 million years.

How many years human were found?

Hominids have been around for 4,000,000,000 years.

What percent of geological times have hominids existed?

Hominids have existed for about 2.5% of geological time, which dates back to around 4.4 billion years. The earliest hominids emerged around 6-7 million years ago, while Earth has been around for about 4.5 billion years.

When and where did the earliest hominids live how did hominids change over long periods of time?

The earliest hominids lived in Africa around 6-7 million years ago. Over long periods of time, hominids evolved physically and behaviourally, adapting to new environments, developing tools, language, and social structures. This eventually led to the emergence of modern humans.

How long have there been gay people?

There have been gay people for as long as there have been people. Modern Humans have been around for more than 100,000 years, but it is logical that earlier hominids also engaged in same-sex sexual behavior, which goes back 2 million years.

What continant has the earliest hominids have been found in?

Africa is the continent where the earliest hominids have been found. This is where humanity's ancestors, such as Australopithecus and early Homo species, existed millions of years ago.

How long did Hominids live?

Hominids are a family of primates that includes humans and our closest extinct relatives. They have existed for around 6 to 7 million years. Various species of hominids have lived for different lengths of time, with some species being around for a few hundred thousand years and others, like modern humans, having existed for around 200,000 years.

How long has tuberculosis existed in hominids?

since 1882

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How long has guns been around?

As long as guns have been around.

When did homninds live?

Hominids are also known as humans. The first hominids lived around 4 or 5 million years ago and have not become extinct.

How long have people been putting salt in your foods?

Salt is necessary to all animals; the first hominids, 7.106 years ago, surely used salt.