

How long have people been aware that the earth is flat?

Updated: 3/14/2020
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12y ago

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3000 years ago someone discovered the earth was round and before that they thought it was flat.

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Q: How long have people been aware that the earth is flat?
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How long people been aware that the earth is not flat?

the 16th century

How long have people been aware that the Earth is not flat?

There is conflicting evidence about this. It is fair to say that some of the ancient Egyptians realised the earth must be round while most of them believed it to be flat. The earliest known calculation of the earth's circumference was made by Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician, around 240 BC.

How did people find out that earth was not flat?

People have known the Earth is not flat since ancient times.

Why did the people think that the Earth was flat 2000 years ago?

They actually didn't. Flat Earth is a myth. The spherical Earth has been a scientifically established fact since long before Ptolemy.

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What did people believe about the shape of the earth?

People believed that the earth was flat

Why do you think the earth is not flat?

Because the Earth has been directly observed, so we know it's not flat.

How did people in pompeii shape the earth?

pompeii people thought the earth was flat

Who are flat earthers?

people who believed the earth is flat, not a sphere like most people believe.

Why does the flat earth society think the earth is flat?

The majority of the members of the Flat Earth Society do not believe the Earth is flat. They are members because it's a counter-culture group which some people find interesting.Those who think the Earth is flat are usually motivated by religious literalism.

Who was the person that discovered that the world was round?

This had been known since the ancient Greeks. It is a fable that people didn't know this. Despite the fact we have seen earth from space there are people who think the earth is flat.

Where are the earth connections on a mk3 golf?

I am aware of one where the bonnet is connected to the car passenger side there will be a flat rubber cable