

How long is DNA in a cell?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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13y ago

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DNA is a polymer or nucleotides and so varies in length from organism to organism. In Eukaryotes the DNA is split onto many Chromosomes not just one. In Prokaryotes there are structures called Plasmids which also carry DNA. A very interesting note about how thin human DNA is compared to its length is that if you stretched it out and it was a thick as a pencil line it would reach from London to New York City. If you unraveled the DNA of all the humans on the planet, it would go from Earth to the nearest galaxy and back 60 TIMES!!!


If completely unraveled, human DNA would stretch from the Earth to the Moon.

If you stretch it and not unravel it, the distance is on average about 6 ft. (2 m) long, but is a very thin thread.

The single human chromosome on average consists of DNA molecules approximately 2 inches long.

The Physics Factbook [see link below] gives the formula of:

"The length is (length of 1 bp)(number of bp per cell) which is:

(0.34 nm)(6×109)"

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Nannie Keeling

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Wiki User

13y ago

DNA is a polymer or nucleotides and so varies in length from organism to organism. In Eukaryotes the DNA is split onto many Chromosomes not just one. In Prokaryotes there are structures called Plasmids which also carry DNA. A very interesting note about how thin human DNA is compared to its length is that if you stretched it out and it was a thick as a pencil line it would reach from London to New York City. If you unraveled the DNA of all the humans on the planet, it would go from Earth to the nearest galaxy and back 60 TIMES!!!


If completely unraveled, human DNA would stretch from the Earth to the Moon.

If you stretch it and not unravel it, the distance is on average about 6 ft. (2 m) long, but is a very thin thread.

The single human chromosome on average consists of DNA molecules approximately 2 inches long.

The Physics Factbook [see link below] gives the formula of:

"The length is (length of 1 bp)(number of bp per cell) which is:

(0.34 nm)(6×109)"

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4h ago

The length of DNA in a cell can vary, but it is typically about 6 feet long when stretched out. It is tightly wound and packaged into a compact structure within the cell's nucleus.

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