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50,000 words.

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1mo ago

"Gadsby" by Ernest Vincent Wright is a novel that contains 50,110 words and does not use the letter "E." It is considered the longest book written without the use of the letter "E."

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Q: How long is Gatsby the longest book written without the use of the letter E?
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How long is Gadsby the longest book written without the use of the letter E?


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How long is 'Gadsby' the longest book written without the use of the letter E?

50,000 words

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In "The Great Gatsby," Daisy never reads the letter from Gatsby. Tom discovers the letter and shows it to Daisy, who decides not to confront Gatsby about it. Daisy chooses to remain with Tom, ultimately betraying Gatsby.

What is the longest word without the E vowel?

It is floccinaucinihilipilification. This is what I keep trivia books for!!!

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There aren't any English words without a vowel letter, unless you include vocal gesture words and vocalized pauses, like hmm and Shh.If "y" is used as a vowel, then it is considered a vowel letter. So the word rhythm is the longest word without a,e,i,o,and u, but it definitely has a vowel letter in it.

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Youthfulness is the longest word starting with the letter Y. It contains twelve letters.

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What was the anonymous letter supposed to do that tom wrote?

The anonymous letter that Tom wrote was intended to frame Gatsby and prevent him from confessing his love to Daisy. Tom wanted to maintain his own relationship with Daisy and used the letter to create doubt and conflict between Gatsby and Daisy.

Which 50000-word novel was written without using the letter E?

The novel written without using the letter "e" is called "Gadsby" by Ernest Vincent Wright. It is a 50,000-word novel published in 1939.

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