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Q: How long is THC detectable by a persons weight?
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How long is THC detectable by cheek swap?

2 days

How long can Tetrahydrocannabinol can stay in your body?

Heavy and/or long-term cannabis use can result in detectable concentrations of THC remaining in the body for about a month. A single, average use of THC is detectable for up to a week. Intermediate use falls in between these two extremes.

How long is THC detectable after ingestion?

About 30. Unless you consume it every day. In that case it would take about 90 days.

How long does THC remain detectable in blood?

If its a blood test less than a week it stays in your fatty sells tho.

How long is htc detectable for a drug screen test?

Do you mean THC? The active ingredient in Marijuana? If so, probably somewhere around 30 days at most.

How long is THC detectable is Saliva for Heavy Users?

2 days if u dont use again or get mouth wash b4 ur test

How long does on hit of THC stay in your urine?

Only one hit ever would not be detectable and would leave your system in less that 5 days.

How much THC can a cdl driver have in there system with out failing?

You will fail a CDL drug test with ANY detectable amount of THC in your system.

How much THC can be in your system before you fail a CDL test?

You'll fail a drug screening with ANY detectable amount of THC in your system.

Can THC show up in your urine if you are in a room with it?

It should only be detectable when you ingest it somehow.

How much do you have to smoke for THC to be in your system?

If you smoke weed in any way, you will have THC in your system. If you are only around the smoke though, it is highly improbable that you will have any detectable amount of THC in your system.

Does it take 5 to 7 days for THC to leave your body?

It can be detectable for up to 90 days.