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Saturn takes 10,832 Earth days (29.66 Earth years) to go around the Sun once.

Since one day on Saturn is 10.656 hours long, it takes 24,396 Saturnian days for Saturn to go around the sun once.

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9y ago
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9y ago

A Saturn year is equivalent to 29.7 Earth years. It takes Saturn 10,832 Earth days to complete a single orbit around the sun. Saturn's year is 29.447498 Earth years long, which is about 10,756 Earth days.

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4mo ago

One year on Saturn is equivalent to about 29.5 Earth years, as it takes approximately 10,756 Earth days for Saturn to complete one orbit around the Sun.

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12y ago

(earth days) It is 24.95 years or 10519 earth days.

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9y ago

A year of a planet is the length of time it takes to revolve the sun. Saturn takes 10,832 Earth days (29.66 Earth years) to go around the Sun.

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11y ago

how long is planet Saturn year

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15y ago

I guess 1034 hours.

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12y ago

8 years

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4y ago

10, 832 days

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Q: How long is one year on Saturn?
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What is the factory warranty on a 2003 Saturn Vue?

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Is a year on Earth shorter than a year on Saturn?

No, a year on Earth is shorter than a year on Saturn. Earth takes about 365 days to complete one orbit around the Sun, while Saturn takes about 29.5 Earth years to orbit the Sun once.

Does Saturn have a shorter or longer year than Earth?

It takes Saturn 10,747 Earth days to make one full orbit around the sun, which means that one year on Saturn is equal to over 29 Earth years.