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72 inches

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Q: How long is a chihuahuas intestines?
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Related questions

Do chihuahuas have long or short hair?

There are both long-haired and short-haired chihuahuas, so both.

Do long hair chihuahuas bark a lot?

Most all chihuahuas bark to much.

Are teacup chihuahuas used in Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2?

Some of them are the normal chihuahuas you see everywhere and the others are long haired chihuahuas.

Where do long hair chihuahuas come from?


How how long do Chihuahuas live?

15 years

Are long haired chihuahuas friendlier?

it does not make a difference if they are long haired

Are chihuahuas freindly?

Yes as long as you socialize them when they are puppies.

How long are chihuahuas at 9 weeks old?

4 to 6 inches if that long

How much do long hair chihuahuas weigh?


How long do short haired chihuahuas live?

about 15 years

Do chihuahuas have long hair?

Chihuahuas come in both short hair and long hair versions. There is no way to determine which one it will be except for raising the chance for a short hair or long hair by breeding two of that type.

What do long hair chihuahuas look like?

Yes. There are long haired chihuahuas mixed with terriers. They look very much like a long haired chihuahua but are slightly larger. They vary in size and can be between 8-15lbs. Mine is about 14 which is on the heavier side.