

How long is a day on Io?

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11y ago

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42 hours, 27 minutes, 22 seconds

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Q: How long is a day on Io?
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How long is a day on the moon Io?

A day on Jupiter's moon Io is 1.769, 137, 786 days. Io is in a synchronous orbit, which means that a moon's orbit around its parent planet is the same as one of the moon's day.

How long is 1 day on Io?

42.5 hours for one rotation .

What is a day on io?

Io takes about 1.8 Earth days to orbit JupiterExact: 1.769137786.

What is the length of a day on Io?

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Io was known long before the time of NASA. It was discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610.

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Peripheral-Mapped IO is IO that is selected when the IO/M- line is high.

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If you are referring to the Italian word 'Io' which can be used in the sentence 'Io Sono', Io means I. Io sono means I am.

How many hours is there in a day in Io?

Interesting question. What makes a day on Io ? Is it having the sun in the sky, or having Jupiter in the sky ? And would that choice make a difference in the best answer ? I'll take the easy way out: Io's rotation on its axis is in sync with its period of revolution around Jupiter. Both are = 1.769 earth days = approx. 42hours 27.5minutes

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Peripheral-Mapped IO is IO that is selected when the IO/M- line is high.