

How long is a person sick with lyme disease?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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I was sick with lymes disease for two full weeks.

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Q: How long is a person sick with lyme disease?
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Can dog ticks feed off humans?

Yes and you can get lyme disease and it can make you very sick.

A bacterial infection called Lyme disease is spread by what?

Lyme disease can be spread through contact of the blood from an infected person. It can also be spread through sexual intercourse. While those are the least uncommon ways, here are other ways you can catch and/or spread Lyme disease. -Tick & mosquito bites -Dogs, horses, cats, & mice all have the ability to get sick with Lyme disease. You can catch it by inhaling the scent of the infected feces. Therefor, the most common way to get Lyme Disease through animals is cleaning litter boxes.

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If the mosquito is carrying a disease (which it can) when it bites you, i could inject it into your blood, and you get sick and could die Ex: malaria (yellow fever), lyme disease and so on

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It depends if that person if they get sick or has a type of disease

What is a word for a person who has a disease?

ill, sick

Will you get sick if someone was sick a week ago?

It depends on the conditions. If you are near the person during the time and the disease is contagious, you can also get the disease that is passed onto you. You won't get sick if you stay a distance from the sick person, so the disease can't be passed on you if it's contagious.

What happens when ticks make you sick?

Yes. Ticks carry diseases such as FSME (a type of encepholitis) and more common, lyme disease. While there is a vaccination against FSME, a vaccination for lyme disease has not yet been developed. However, lyme disease can be treated by antibiotics. It's fairly important, however, to recognize the signs early on. If a round red rash at the site of the tick bite develops you should go to the doctor. He will test your blood for borelliose and prescribe antibotics.

What kind of antibiotics cures lyme disease in dogs?

If your dog has a tick and gets sick, then you shouldn't self diagnose the problem. Take the poor animal to a vet and let a professional test it for any disease.

How many people die per year from lymes disease?

by year: by state: by age & sex: by month: by symptoms:

Can a person catch a disease from a sick freshwater fish?

yes if a fish has the disease and you eat the fish the disease doesn't go away you can be sick but not always Save

Will you get sick if you drink out of the same cup as a sick person?

Yes, it's likely that you might get the same disease passed onto you if the disease is contagious, as the sick person's saliva contains the virus/bacteria that can also get you sick when you ingest it. But some disease cannot be spread that way, as for example if the sick person is sick with HIV, you will not get sick if you drink from the same cup, but you will get sick if the person cut himself with a razor blade, for example, and somehow his blood mixed with you. You'll get sick too as HIV is only spreadable through blood to blood transmission.

What is the concept of disease in homeopathy medicine?

The concept of disease in homeopathy is that disease is a total affection of mind and body, the disturbance of the whole organism. The parts of the body do not independently get sick. It is the whole person who gets sick. It is the whole person who is affected by the disease and it is the whole person who responds to the medicine.