

How long is a radio wave's wavelength?

Updated: 8/13/2022
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9y ago

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Anything in the range of something like 1 millimeter to 5,000 kilometers

is called a radio wave.

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Crawford Rodriguez

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Q: How long is a radio wave's wavelength?
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Do radio waves have short or long wavelength?

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What happened to the wavelength of waves as you move from radio waves down to gamma rays on the electromagnetic spectrum?

The wavelength of waves decreases as you move from radio waves to gamma rays on the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves have long wavelengths, while gamma rays have short wavelengths. This progression in wavelength corresponds to an increase in energy and frequency.

Which have longer wavelength radio waves or light waves?

Radio waves have a far longer wavelength than visible light. The radio waves that do the cooking in your microwave oven are as long as roughly 310,000 waves of blue light placed end-to-end. The radio waves transmitted by an AM station at 1400kHz on your AM dial are roughly 550 billion times as long as blue-light waves.

Which electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?

"radio waves" have longest wavelength..

What is the longest wavelengh in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum is radio waves. They have wavelengths ranging from about 1 millimeter to over 100 kilometers.

Which kind of waves are the longest Radar waves Radio waves Visible Light or Gamma Rays?

for wavelength, the longer of the two is visible light, but the longest type of rays are radio waves (some of them have a wavelength as long as a football field)

What was the largest wavelength?

As far as visible spectral lines are concerned, red has the largest wavelength. If we consider electromagnetic spectrum, then radio waves could be considered as longer wavelengths. Even longer are long waves.

How do long wavelength radio waves communicate over big distances?


What type of wave has longest wavelength?

In the electromagnetic spectrum, it is the radio wave that has the longest wavelength. Some radio waves are over 100 yards long.

What signal has the longest wavelength?

The signal with the longest wavelength is radio waves. They have wavelengths ranging from meters to kilometers.

What are two types Wavelength waves?

Two types of waves based on wavelength are ultraviolet waves with short wavelengths and radio waves with long wavelengths. Ultraviolet waves have higher frequencies and carry more energy, while radio waves have lower frequencies and are commonly used for communication.

What has longer wavelength radio waves or visible light?

Neither is nesesarily longer a wave can go on forever. Visible light is more reflective than infared light so it will last longer. If you are talking about wavelength, infared lights wavelength is longer.