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Paint horses ,quarter horses, pretty much all horse breeds have been known to live ,some until 40 years old!

Depending on care given and general health that is..Many older horses can contract illness that in a younger horse can go unnoticed. Also some malidies are more likely to affect older horses more than a younger model.

I would seek answers pertaining to your horse, from your veterinarian. He or she can evaluate your horse and possibly make sure that there is nothing stopping him from reaching a ripe old age for you!

Good luck!!

Ellie :)

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the same as any other... around 25-35 years

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Q: How long is an American quarter horse life span?
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Can you register a blue eyed horse with the American quarter horse assosiation?

Yes, as long as it is classified as a quarter horse it doesnt matter what eye color it has, that will just make him unique.

Which breed of horses is the fastest?

For long distance its between the Thoroughbred and the Mustang but in a quarter mile its the American Quarter Horse (that's whay its their name)

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A list of horse breeds would include the abaco barb, the American cream draft, the American quarter horse, and the American paint horse. Also on the list you would find the Arabian, the Russian Budenny, the camargue, and the Caspian. Additional horse breeds are the Cleveland bay, the Clydesdale, the American saddlebred, the Morgan, and the Tennessee walking horse.

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No, purebred quarter horses cannot be gated. Some people think they can because sometimes a quarter horse can have a big stride or a long stride and seem gated, but it is immpossible. Hope that helps :)

How is a Quarter Horse different than a Throughbred?

The Thoroughbred was used in the developement of the Quarter Horse and it is still a big influence in the Quarter Horse industry today. If asked, most people know about the Thoroughbred as the world's fastest breed. But only for long distances. The Quarter Horse is faster than the Thoroughbred for short distances, such as a quarter mile race. Think of the Thoroughbred as a long distance runner as compared to a sprinter, the QH.

How does an American quarter horse survive?

The Quarter horse holds the same basic life style as any other breed of horse. They are born, have a relatively long 'childhood' become adults and usually show or breed during those years, then they become old and eventually die.

Can quarter horses race?

The American Quarter Horse, or Quarter Horse, is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name is derived from its ability to outrun other horse breeds in races of a quarter mile or less; some have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph!

What is the second fastest horse?

it depends for how long because a quarter horse can go faster then a thoroughbred but only for so long as a thoroughbred can go for very long as this breed is famous for racing.

How fast can a quarter horse run in 100m?

A Quarter horse is a sprinter and would not be able to sustain anything over a quarter of a mile distance at a gallop, they do not have endurance along with their speed, though they can work long hours at the walk and trot.Within a ten hour period a Quarter horse would only cover one or maybe two quarter mile distances.

Why is a quarterhorse called a quarter horse?

Quarter horses are so called because of their speed at sprinting (galloping) a quarter-mile. Some say that the name comes from the hefty hind-quarters of the horse; others say that the breed is one-quarter each of four other breeds, including the Thoroughbred. Nonetheless, it is the quarter-mile speed which gives the quarter horse its name.

What horse wieghs about the same as a quarter horse?

Any normal sized horse weighs about the same (1000 pounds). However ponies weigh less and draft horses weigh more. as long as the horse is about the same size as a quarter horse they will weight about the same. Some examples are: Paint, Appaloosa, Morgans, TWH, and crosses..

What is the Arabian horse life expantency?

A arabian horse has the life as long as any other typical horse which is 25-30 years.Hope i helped!