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Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air releasing the oxygen and retaining the carbon as sugar and cellulose. The cellulose is used to form wood and leaves. The sugar fuels the trees cellular growth and seed formation.

The carbon is stored as wood (in the tree itaelf) and in the fallen leaves as humus or carbon in the soil.

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Until the tree rots or burns.

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Q: How long is carbon stored in a tree?
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If you cut down a tree do you release the carbon that is stored in it?

Yes, when you cut down a tree and it decomposes or is burned, the carbon stored in the tree is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. This contributes to the increase of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

What is stored in carbon bonds?

Glucose is stored in carbon bonds.

Explain where the carbon stored in fossil fuels comes from?

The carbon that are stored in Fossil fuels comes from animals, while other may argue that it comes from the huge mass of tree and plants that covered the earth many years ago.

In what bonds is the chemical energy stored in fats and in carbohydrates?

The chemical energy in fats and carbohydrates is stored in the bonds between their molecules. In fats, the energy is stored in the ester bonds of triglycerides, while in carbohydrates, it is stored in the glycosidic bonds between sugar molecules. When these bonds are broken through metabolism, energy is released for cellular processes.

Why is it important for humans to make sure that they don't cut down too many trees?

Because trees remove carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere. Through photosynthesis the oxygen is released and the carbon is stored in the roots, trunk and branches of the tree. 50% of a tree's weight is carbon.

How is carbon dioxide consumed on earth?

The earth's carbon cycle moves carbon dioxide in and out of the atmosphere, into oceans, soil, animals and vegetation and back again. The oceans absorb some CO2, but only the surface water. The oceans are becoming more acidic and damaging coral and fish. Trees and vegetation take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This carbon is stored within the plant or tree and stays there until the tree is destroyed. About half the weight of a tree is carbon.

How is carbon is stored in the biosphere?

In the atmosphere carbon is stored as CO2, methane (CH4), and other organic compounds. in other word, the carbon is stored in a gigatonnes.

How is the vast about of carbon stored?

stored in carbonate rock.

Where is carbon stored in the oceans?

Carbon cannot be stored in a specific area of the ocean, but the mass percent is 0.0028%

How can carbon be stored?

in poo

What is carbon dioxide naturally absorbed and stored in?

Carbon dioxide is naturally absorbed (through photosynthesis) and stored in trees and vegetation. It is also absorbed and stored in the oceans.

What is carbon storing?

either a long-term or a short term store, it's a place where carbon is accumalated and stored. Examples of long term stores is the atmosphere and short-term could be living organisms.