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it depends on how fast your spaceship is. But from the fastest spaceship it will take about 10 hours and by the slowest spaceship 30 hours.

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Q: How long is it from Venus to Pluto?
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Are Venus' and Pluto opposites?

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Is Venus' smaller than Pluto?

No, Pluto is much smaller than venus.

Why is Venus warmer than Pluto?

Venus is much closer to the Sun then Pluto.

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by calculating the time it takes to get to Pluto from Venus. THATS HOW MATH IS USED!!(in Pluto)

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Yes Pluto is -205 and Neptune is -220Yes because Pluto is -205 and neptune is -220. why? like venus, neptune has little clouds that keep the cold in. Its the same as venus being hotter than mercury. even though Pluto is futher than Neptune, neptune is colder

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How many Pluto's would it take to make earth's size?

About 8 Pluto's make an Venus.