

How long is the echidnas tail?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: How long is the echidnas tail?
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Why do long beaked echidnas have poisonous feet?

Long beaked echidnas do not have poisonous feet.

How long are Echidnas' spines?

The echidnas' spines are up to 50 mm (5 cm) in length.

Can Echidnas float?

Yes. Not only can echidnas float, they can also swim, as long as the current is not too strong.

Infomation on the Xbox?

did you know that echidnas have two eyes a tail claws spikes on the back and four legs

Where do echidnas hunt?

Echidnas do not hibernate.

How long have Echidnas been around?

Since God created them

Are long beaked echidnas and porcupines from the same family?

Not at all. Echidnas and porcupines are not even remotely related. Echidnas are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. porcupines are placental mammals, a quite different order of mammals.

What do short-beaked echidnas eat?

Short-beaked echidnas live almost exclusively on termites, although they also eat ants. Echidnas have large claws for breaking open termite mounds (which, in much of Australia, are made from mud). They have long sticky tongues, about 15cm long, with which they catch the termites. Echidnas also look for termites under old, rotting logs, their preferred locale.

How can you help echidnas going extinct?

Echidnas are not going extinct, so this is not an issue. They are highly adaptable to a variety of habitats, and as long as there is a ready food source of termites and ants, echidnas can survive in almost any climate found in Australia.

How do echidnas hibernate?

Echidnas do not hibernate.

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Do echidnas hop?

No. Echidnas do not hop. They walk.