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Q: How long is the gestation period for a finch egg?
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How long does an alligator egg take to hatch?

Alligators have a gestation period of 60-65 days.

How long does the egg stay in the womb?

In humans 9 months. Other animals have different gestation periods. Gestation is the period of time that the fetus spends growing inside its mother's uterus. The gestation period for humans is approximately 40 weeks long.

What is the gestation period of a goose called?

The gestation period of a goose is called the incubation period. After the incubation period, if the egg is fertilized, a chick will hatch.

How long does it take for chimpanzees to grow from the egg?

Chimps have an 8 month (240 day) gestation period.

How long is the incubation period of a cow?

The word "incubation" directly refers to the time an egg needs to be kept warm before it hatches. Since cows do not lay eggs, they do not have an incubation period. They have what is called a "gestation" period. This gestation period is generally 285 days long.

How long is the gestation period for otters?

River otters have a gestation period of about 290-380 days due to delayed implantation of the fertilized egg. This is according to the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife Publication 384 (R803)

What is the gestation period of cod?

cod doesnt have a gestation period, because it is an egg layer. Cod, being a type of fish is an external reproductive organism, therefore there isnt a gestation period for any kind of fish

What is the period where the egg develops inside the mother womb called?


What is the difference between incubation and gestation?

Incubation is the period for an egg to hatch and gestation is the period where the unborn is inside the body of the mother awaiting the time to be born.

How long is a chicken gestation period?

Technically chickens do not have a gestation period, as they lay eggs rather than give live birth. However, the incubation period, when the hen is nesting over the eggs and keeping them warm, is approximately 21 days.

What is the gestation period of a spiny anteater?

The spiny anteater, more correctly known as the echidna, is an egg-laying mammals. The egg within the mother's body has a gestation period of 23 days. Once laid, the egg is then incubated for another ten days.

How long does full gestation take place in chicken?

There is no gestation period for a chicken. Embryo development takes place within the egg. The egg is fertilized and formed within the hen and deposited out of her body within 25 hours. Incubation of the egg takes 21 days under, not in the hen.