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Yellow jackets (wasps) have smooth stings which do not get trapped so when the insect stings it has no problem removing it. For this reason it can sting multiple times. If it does so, and runs out of venom it will soon produce more. It is not possible to put a maximum on the number of times the insect can sting.

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14y ago

"The life cycle of the yellow jacket is similar to that of the bumblebee. A young fertilized queen overwinters and begins to build a nest of several hexagonal cells with a covering. She lays an egg in each cell, and, when the eggs hatch in a week, she feeds the larvae masticated insects. As these first-generation workers emerge, they take over the duties of enlarging and maintaining the nest, and the queen simply lays eggs.

By late summer, with the nest the size of a Basketball, new males and queens are produced. After mating, the queens seek places in which to hibernate, and the drones and workers die."

from www.

Also, it is not true that yellow jackets necessarily die when they sting you. Yellow jackets are wasps, not bees, meaning they do not have barbs on their stingers. I have been stung by many yellow jackets and they have never left a stinger in me. Bees, on the other hand, will generally die after losing their stinger.

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7y ago

About one year and anywhere from 10 to 22 days are the lengths of time that yellow jackets live. The insects in question (Dolichovespula spp, Vespula spp) divide into queens and workers. The former get to experience overwintering into the next year whereas workers perhaps literally are worked to death within one-and-one-half to one day over three weeks.

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Q: How many times can a yellow jacket sting before it dies?
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Do bees bite?

No bees do not bite. They sting. Honey bees have barbed stingers and if they sting a person or animal the barbs in their stinger will stick. When they fly away their rear end is torn off and they die. Bees can sting other insects multiple times and their stinger won't stick because insect flesh is pulpy. Bumble bees (the large fuzzy bee) does not have a barbed stinger. However this particular bee has a very docile personality and is more likely to fly away than sting. Honey bees and bumble bees only eat pollen and nectar from flowers. Bees, Wasps and Hornets do have mouth parts called mandibles which they use for scraping, chewing food and building combs. Wasps and hornets can sting as well. Their stingers are not barbed and they can sting multiple times. These insects are omnivores - they eat all foods. Yellow jackets are very commonly seen when eating food outdoors. They enjoy sugary pop, hot dogs, tuna sandwiches, etc. Yellow jacket wasps tend to become more aggressive in the fall when their food supply is dwindling and they are hungry. Wasps and hornets will eat other insects, and can use their mouth parts to cut up the dead insect in pieces that they carry back to their hive to feed their young.

How much does a hornet sting hurt on a scale from 1 to 10?

There are pain scales which compare the varying pain levels of sting. Here are two for your reading pleasure. I'd expect a wasp to fall in the same category as the rest of the bees unless it's a paper wasp which seems to consistently fall higher on the scale. Even better- they sting multiple times. I've had yellow-jacket and bee stings. They both hurt like heck. Hubby had a wasp fly up his shirt and stung him 6 times. He swore a lot and hopped around a bit until he got rid of it, but survived. It hurts, you won't like it, but you will survive if you encounter them. Just in case you have an undiscovered allergy- a kit with an Epipen Injection not a bad idea. Usually the first sting won't do it but subsequent stings can. Ice cubes seem to be helping at the moment to. Carry a spray bottle with a soap and water and baking soda mixture and it's supposed to kill them or ward them off. Don't mess with them, and they won't mess with you. Don't wear loose clothing as they will get inside it and you'll get stung all over.

Do hornets die after they sting someone?

No. Unlike bees, hornets and wasps are able to withdraw their stingers after stinging. This makes it easier to treat the wound, but also that a single creature can sting multiple times.

Do sweat bees sting?

Yes, they do. Most times, what people call "sweat bees" are actually syrphid flies. They are true flies and do not sting but they do have the coloration that marks them as "bee mimics". See link

Can a wasp sting kill you?

It depends on if you are allergic to the sting or not, and how allergic you are. If you are allergic, then you should have your doctor prescribe an epinephrine pen and carry it with you at all times. The pen is an injection you give yourself to keep from having an allergic reaction to the sting.

Related questions

Do yellow jacket's stingers fall off when they sting?

no, so they can sting multiple times, bees die after stinging but the stinger left behind continues to pup in venom, you need to remove the stinger.

What is a bee that is 3 times bigger than a yellow jacket?

The cicada wasp looks exactly like a yellow jacket. The one major feature of the cicada wasp that sets it apart from a yellow jacket is its size. The cicada wasp is as much as 4 times as big as a yellow jacket.

Can a yellow jacket sting kill a person?

Good am...No,yellow jackets do not die after they sting.They can sting repeatedly.Quite aggressive if their nest is disturbed.If stung 9 or more times seek medical attention,as some could have an allergic reaction to their sting.Bees only sting once and die!!!!

What is a predator of a yellow jacket?

flying preditor catches and eats yellow jackets,looks kinda like a dragon fly with only one set of wings prehistoric,wierd,ugly,and scarey describe it about 3 times the size of the yellow jacket. in Nor. Car. if that helps

How do you beat Jeff jarret in tna?

Ask sting he beat him many times before.

How many times can a hornet sting before the hornet dies?

A hornet can sting multiple times and not die. This is due to the fact that their stinger is not barbed like worker bees are. The exact number of stings is unknown.

How can one identify a yellow jacket?

Yellow jackets defining features are hard to tell from similar insect. The nests look like the face of a cliff. With ridges as the jacket expands. The nests can grow up to three times as big as a one gallon jug in two years. Before they land, they do a rapid side to die landing pattern. They only occur in colonies and have distinctive markings.

Do wasps die when they sting a human being?

No, a wasp can sting a number of times before it dies. A bee can only sting once, because its stinger is attached to its internal organs, which are ripped from its body when it stings, killing the bee.

How many times can wasps sting before they die?

Human skin is pretty thick, so if it stings a human, it's stinger gets ripped out after one sting. However, they can sting other insects multiple times, their skin being much thinner.

What one is worse a bee sting or a wasp sting?

Wasp sting. It hurts like hell. I am on a hippo! :D The wasp sting is worse because their stinger is smooth making them able to pull it out smoothly and shove it in again. A bee's stinger is barbed like a fishing hook so they can't pull it out.

How is a yellow-jacket different from a honey bee?

Almost everyone misidentifies Yellow Jackets as "bees", and yet the two belong to different families. It is an unfortunate misnomer that has been place on the bee, as most of the encounters resulting in a sting are not the responsibility of a bee, but are due to the Yellow Jacket.Yellow Jackets are in actual fact members of the wasp family and are more commonly referred to as "wasps" in most English speaking countries. There are many differences between Yellow Jackets and bees. Here are just a few of them:Colouring - Honey bees tend to be a tan or brownish yellow colour and their bodies are covered in a dense coat of hairs. Yellow Jackets are different. They are brighter in colour and are generally bright yellow and shiny black, or all black with white faces. They are not coated in hairs and have a relatively smooth appearance to their bodies.Diet - Honey bees collect and feed on plant pollen, and as such are not as aggressive and dangerous as a predator or scavenger would be. However, Yellow Jackets are both predators and scavengers, eating both animal and plant matter, such as, meat, plant sap, or fruit juices.Nesting - The colony of a bee can last more than a year, some times several years, so mature nests can be encountered at any time of year. Yellow Jackets tend to die of each year, with only a hibernating queen surviving into the next year. This means they have to start a new colony every spring. For this reason nest are usually only encountered in the late summer to early autumn, at a time when nests are at their maximum size.Sting - Although both honey bees and yellow jackets sting, their physiology and behaviour differs. The bees stinger is barbed and remains embedded in the wound, when the bee flies away the anchored sting pulls out some the insects internal organs including the poison gland. This means that when a honey bee stings, it will die shortly after. They will only sting as a last resort and will rather flee than fight. The Yellow Jacket is a different story altogether. Their stinger is smooth and barbless and is with drawn from the wound after the venom is delivered. This means that the singer is not left behind and the Yellow Jacket will not die, leaving it free to sting multiple times.Aggression - Honey bees are generally gentle, almost never display a high level of aggression and do not swarm in defense of the colony. Yellow Jackets are generally move dangerous, as they tend to swam to defend their colony. Even the slightest knock can trigger this behaviour and they are often annoyed at the vibrations of lawn mowers, foot steps and other movements near there nests.Nesting sites - Honey bees always nest above ground, choosing to place their colonies at the top of high branches, or other such lactation, away from ground predators. Yellow Jackets are not so picky about where they set up home and nest both above and under ground level. This makes it harder to avoid nesting sites, as they can be found nearly everywhere.

How many times can a Virgin Queen sting?

5 times