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The male platypus's spur is about 15 mm in length.

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Q: How long is the male Platypus's spur?
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What is the ankle spur on the hind leg of a platypus called?

There is no particular name for the ankle spur which dispenses venom in a male platypus. It is simply referred to as a 'spur'.

What is the epesode on south park called were Kenny turns into a platypuss?

It is called "Damien" and is in the first season, and to be accurate he is turned into a DUCK BILLED platypuss.

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Are platypuss scared of people?

no they are very playful

Does a platypus have one spur or two spurs?

Male platypuses have on spur on each of their back legs. Females have no spurs.

Do male platypuses have poisonous talons?

Not exactly. Male platypuses have a hollow spur behind their rear ankle which is attached to a venom gland in the platypus's thigh. This spur is not a talon or claw.

What is a hot platypuss?

A rolly polly that is a dancing king.

Why does a male platypus have a venomous spur on its leg?

Not enough research has been done into why or how the platypus uses its venomous spur. It is believed to be a defence mechanism, and possibly for use when the male is courting a female, and wishes to ward off another male.

What is the purpose of the claw like spur located behind the male platypus's ankles?

There is insufficient research to determine the purpose of the venomous spur on a male platypus. It is believed to be a defence mechanism, and possibly for use when the male is courting a female, and wishes to ward off another male.

Which part of a male platypus is venomous?

The male platypus has a hollow spur on each of its hind ankles, which is attached to a venom gland within its thigh. The platypus delivers the venom through the ankle spur.

Does the male platypus have poison?

Yes. The male platypus has a venomous (not "poisonous") spur on each of his hind ankles, though the females do not. The spur is attached to a gland containing venom which is strong to kill a dog. Only males have them. The female has a spur until it is twelve months old but it is not venomous.