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Q: How long is the process of a molting fiddler crab?
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How long is the molting process for a baby fiddler crab he was found on back i thought it was dying how long will he stay on his back?

3 million days

How long does it take for a female fiddler crab to grow her claws back after molting?

Depending on how old they are. They molt less when they are older and molt more often when they are younger. If they have enough calcium to molt or not. Generally every 1-2 months.

How long will your hermit crab be under the sand molting?

It will usually be molting for a month or two. It's important that you try to leave your crab alone when it's molting.

How big can a fiddler crab grow?

It can grow to be about two inches long.

How long can a fiddler crab live without water?

not long there gills will dry out and they will die

Do hermit crabs act dead when they are molting?

Yes. When a hermit crab is molting, it reserves energy by not moving. The old skin will be shed and look like a ghost crab. Make sure that your hermit crab has plenty of water in it's dish or sponge as humidity is a great help to him or her during this process.

Can hermit crabs live with fiddler crabs?

No, Hermit Crabs and Fiddler crabs require two different environments. The Hermit Crab would drown in the water a Fiddler Crab needs. You can always ask your local pet store if there is any way possible though. Some hermit crabs live on land others live in water even land hermit need two enter salt water , fiddler crabs are brackish or fresh hermit crabs can't breathe in those environments

Just got a hermit crab yesterday He was very active when we got him and put him in his habitat Hasn't moved since then Is he sleeping or dead?

Its probably just adapting to its environment. You can check if its dead by gently picking up its shell. A dead crab will often fall out of its shell. If its alive let it be. If it buries its self, don't dig it up. Chances are its molting. Molting can take a long time for some crabs and if there disturbed during this process, it may lead to death.

How long does it take fora hermit crabs big pincher to grow back?

Well if a Hermit crab losing a pincher, claw or even an eye they regrow it back the next time they molt. They have the power to grow back any missing limb or eye during the molting process.

Do you dig up dead hermit crab when two are buried but i think one is dead?

As long as you're sure your crab is dead and not molting, yes, dig it up immediately. You can boil the shell it lived in and put it back in your tank for other crabs to use.

How long can a red clawed crab survive without food?

Your hermit crab shouldn't go long without food or water. The longest they should go is a whole day,

How long do fiddler crabs get?

two dollar