

How long medication should continue 4 bipolar disorder?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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You should continue taking medication for Bipolar disorder for the rest of your life. It's like having Diabetes and needing to take insulin.

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Q: How long medication should continue 4 bipolar disorder?
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How do you get medication for bipolar disorder?

If you were diagnosed with bipolar then you should be getting your medication from either your Psychiatrist or family doctor. If you have not been diagnosed with bipolar then you must see your family doctor who will send you to a Psychiatrist and he/she will determine what is wrong with you and give you the correct medications.

What is the most effective medication for Bipolar disorder?

The most effective medications for bipolar disorder are mood stabilizers such as lithium, anticonvulsants like valproate and lamotrigine, and atypical antipsychotics like quetiapine and olanzapine. However, the specific medication and dosage should be determined by a healthcare provider based on individual needs and response to treatment.

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Bipolar disorder is a serious disorder that should be treated immediately after it has been found. There are medical treatments depending on how extensive the disorder has become.

Does a bipolar disorder patient become normal?

The disorder can go into remission without drugs and the person can become normal. Often, though, medication is required. Sometimes the medication makes the person become almost normal. In other cases, it doesn't do any good. A person with bipolar disorder, though their medications may have helped them tremendously and though they may not be manic or depressed, will always be a person with bipolar disorder. They may be able to do everything a "normal" person can do or they may find their lives limited by their condition. Bipolar disorder can look different in different individuals also. Note that I am not a doctor or a psychologist and the above answer should not be used in place of medical advice.

What is another name for bipolar?

Manic-depression. Bi-Polar Disorder can be difficult for the individual experiencing the symptoms and for their friends and family. Bipolar Disorder is a complex illness and there is a range of severity. There are many different symptoms -- and several different types -- of bipolar disorder. The most common symptoms of the disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings. The various types of bipolar disorder range from mild to severe. If you think that you or someone you know is expereincing symptoms of Bi-polar Disorder then you should reach out to a professional. The symptoms of Bi-Polar Disorder can be treated effectively with counseling and medication.

Where do I go to learn more about Bipolar Disorder?

Firstly, I'm sorry that your son has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Secondly, your doctor should have given you information, and pamphlets with needed information about bipolar disorder, if not you should ask him for them.

May medication used in treating bipolar disorder and alcohol ever be consumed together safely?

No medication can be safely taken when consuming alcohol because alcohol impairs judgement and that can lead to misdosing and or drug interactions that cause further impairment. ANd, if you are bipolar, you should not be drinking alcohol anyway, Maybe try and figure out why you want a drink when that is a contriutor to bipolar and will make it worse.

Where can someone find info about bipolar disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a common mental illness that can be controlled by the use of medicine. To find out if you have bipolar disorder you should first consult your physician for an prescription to see a psychologist. If you are looking for other routes, you can always search Web MD.

Bi-polar and add?

We are not sure of what you mean. If you are asking about bipolar disorder and attention deficit disorder being present together, it is quite common. You should be speaking to a mental health professional about it if you have these problems. They are both treatable (sometimes with the same medication) and you do not have to suffer.

What kind of doctor do you need to see if you have Bipolar Disorder?

You should see a psychologist for the emotional/mental aspect of Bipolar Disorder, and a psychiatrist for the medicine(s) you will need to deal with the symptoms.

Is bipolar an anxiety disorder?

Bipolar - mood disorder, involves cycles of extremely exaggerated high and low moodDepression - mood disorder, involves periods of extremely exaggerated low moodAnxiety - anxiety disorder, involves extreme anxiety and fears that does not correspond to real world dangers

What is the difference between oppositional defiance disorder and bipolar disorder in children?

Oppositional defiance disorder is something one grows out of unlike bipolar disorder which is permanent. Bipolar disorder is accompanied by mood swings being on top of the world one moments and in despair the next and these moods can last for weeks without signs of improvement. There are other symptoms as well that can help a parent distinguish whether or that is the case. Bipolar disorder is very difficult to live with and should be diagnosed as soon as possible. The book 'the bipolar child' will tell you what you need to know.