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The armadillo lives in the southwest regin

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Q: How long nine banded armadillos live?
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What land forms do nine banded armadillos live in?


Is a nine banded armadillo a producer?

No, armadillos are consumers. Only plants are producers.

Where do the nine-banded armadilos obtain there water from in the desert?

Armadillos live primarily in grasslands and not in the desert. There is much more to eat there as well as more water.

Do nine banded armadillo survive to become adults?

Armadillos DO survive to become adults IF they are not eaten.

How many babies do the nine banded armadillo have?

. The nine-banded armadillo is unique in that the females have quadruplets, four identical babies, each time they give birth. Armadillos are mature at six months of age.

Which armadillo species live in Texas?

Yes there are many armadillos in sam antonio Texas

Why do armadillo come out during the day?

Armadillos neither hibernate nor do they migrate. However, the nine-banded armadillo is rapidly spreading it range to areas in the United States that previously had no armadillos.

Can Armadillo jump?

guessing not LOL. Nine-banded armadillos can jump 3-4 feet high when startled, for starters...

What is an armadillo's house?

Armadillos live in a variety of habitats but avoid regions with a severely cold winter and deserts. This includes grasslands, savanna, forests and scrub. The nine-banded armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos around which it lives and feeds.

How many babies do armadillos have?

"Most species of armadillos have a litter of one to three young a year. Hairy armadillos usually give birth to two young, often one male and one female. Small hairy armadillos and giant armadillos give birth to 1-2 young. The southern three-banded, naked-tailed and pink fairy armadillo have 1 young a year. The six-banded armadillo has 1-3 young in a litter, often of mixed sex. " i got this from ""

How many years can a nine banded armadillo live?

The nine-banded armadillo usually lives from 12-15 years.

What countries do the armadillos live in?

Giant armadillos live throughout the Amazon basin of South America. To view a range map, click on this link.