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It is a good idea to keep them separated for about a month, this is to ensure that the mother wont let the calf start to suckle again.

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Q: How long should Hereford calves be separated from the mother during weaning?
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What is a calf crop?

A calf crop refers to the number of calves that are born on the farm or ranch and are available to be sold upon weaning. Calf crop does not account for the number of calves that were lost during or after birth, but what are sold to through the auction or to a feedlot buyer.

Why are calves so large when they are born?

Selection for calves that are growthier and have larger weaning weights tends to correlate birth weights. Breeds that are known to have such calves, like Charolais and Simmentals, will often have big calves. Also, feed that is high in nutritional value given to cows close to calving will also result in large calves. Large calves also tend to come about during during winter than in the summer. Thus it's all down to genetics and breed, as well as feed and environment that determines size of calves when they're born.

When do you separate cattle?

Whenever you need to separate them. Honestly, it's your choice when you want to separate them. But note that in terms of cow-calf herds, you need to separate calves from cows when the calves are around 6 months of age. It may be a good idea to separate bull calves and steer calves and their mommas from the cows that have heifer calves at their side a month or two prior to weaning. Heifers and steers can be together, but you need to separate bull calves from heifers and keep them separate during the weaning process. This minimizes the risk of these young bulls breeding an early-maturing heifer and getting her bred by accident. Cows should be separated from bulls (NOT vice-versa, as it's more dangerous to separate bulls from the cows) after 60 to 80 days have passed since the bull was put in with the cows. Separate cull cows from the main cowherd the day you are going to sell them or, if you want to fatten up these cull cows, a few weeks prior to selling them. Before winter sets in, separate thin cows from the fat or normally-conditioned cows and put them with your bred heifer herd.

Is it true when a cow bellows three times without stopping a storm will come hopping?

Not really, no. A cow will only bellow like this if it's during weaning time, or when she gets separated from her calf and is calling out to it. She will also bellow like this when she's hungry.

Is it cruel to separate a cow from it's calf?

That's your opinion, and it depends on whether you are referring to dairy production, weaning as separating like that in beef herds, or another reason that requires a calf to be separated from its dam or vice versa. As far as dairy production is concerned, it may seem cruel to separate a calf from a cow that has just bonded with it, like after a day or two, but it's necessary because it's not a great idea nor is it productive to have a whole pile of calves loose in the barn or having to contend with being separated from their mothers for a short time twice a day when their mothers are being milked. The cows only bawl for their calves for a few days, then soon forget them and settle down to regular routine. It is not cruel to separate a cow from it's calf during a time when calves MUST be weaned from their dams, especially when they don't need their mother's milk anymore. You may consider it cruel if the weaning process involves separating cow and calf into separate pastures where they can't hear, see or smell each other, but not if they are only separated by a fence or the Eezy-Wean nose ring is used for a short period before the calves are actually separated from their dams. It is not cruel if you have to separate a cow from her calf if the cow cannot care for that calf for whatever reason: either she died from a complications, cannot get up after a difficult delivery, doesn't have enough milk to feed her calf and the calf needs to be orphaned onto another cow, the cow won't accept her calf despite everything a producer tries to do and has to bottle-feed or put the calf on a nurse cow, the calf has to be kept in a protected area because it is sick or injured or otherwise too weak to be able to keep up and suckle from its mother, etc. in these cases, mom and calf have to be separated, and, if and when necessary reunited only briefly to feed the calf its mother's milk.

What structures are separated during anaphase 1?

The one of the two matching pairs of chromosomes are separated during anaphase I.

What happens during the time of mating of a cow?

Only once a year.

How can blood be separated by centrifuge?

During the centrifuge based on their size/ molecular weight it will be separated.

What is the definition and pronunciation of a dogie when referring to cattle?

A dogie (pronounced "DOE-gee") is a term for a stray or motherless calf, not necessarily weaned, but one that has been separated from its mother for some reason or other except weaning. Historically, in the Western United States during the 1880s, the term referred to a pot-gutted orphaned calf.

Can linked genes ever be separated?

crossing over(recombination)

Is it true that the levels of FSH and LH increase during lactation?

No, this is not true. FSH starts to suppress during pregnancy. LH remains low throughout lactation, but begins to rise again during weaning.

Did children get separated from their brothers and sisters during wars?

Brothers & Sisters were not usually separated during WW2. Only if it was specified by the parents to separate them they were separated. If you watch the 1st Narnia. The 4 children are all together.