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It is recommended to stay out of chlorinated pools and bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and ponds for 6 weeks after getting a piercing. Chlorine is very drying to piercings, and other bodies of water may contain bacteria which can lead to infection.

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15y ago

So long as it is a municiple swimming pool it should be fine all municiple facilities test the water three times a day and monitori the levels through out the day to ensure it is safe. But stay out of your neighbours pool or hot tub for at least 7 to 14 days.

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11y ago

I think 2 months is the minimum but i would wait the full 6-12 months :)

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12y ago

2-3 months. You can go into the pool as long as you dont get the piercing wet though.

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Q: How long should i wait to go swimming in the pool or ocean after getting your Cartilage pierced?
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Should I get my cartilage pierced if I am an athlete?

You can get the cartilage pierced regardless of your being an athlete or not. It is your choice. I personally do not understand why people pierce themselves.

How long after getting a cartilage piercing should you wait to go swimming in a lake or a pool to be safe?

yeah, you would wanna wait so it doesnt get infected, so yeah, i tihnk 3 weeks is fine Get advice from your physician and not people who have no idea about such things. The studio that pierced my cartilage said I could go swimming in a pool the very next day, as long as I don't play with the piercing under water.

My pierced cartilage is infected should i take it out?

Have your piercer look at it and they will suggest a course of action for you.

Does getting your second lobe piercing hurt?

oh my gosh no! if anything, it hurts less. just don't freak yourself out. it's really nothing. oh, and you should think about getting your cartilage pierced! i personally think getting mine done hurt less than getting my lobes pierced! good luck! :)

Which ear should you use to get your cartilage pierced?

Whichever side would make you happiest. There is no right answer

Just got the skin right where the lobe turns into the cartilage pierced ears have always rejected cartilage piercing maybe they snipped a piece of cartilage sightly red and a little swollen?

If the piercing was done with a piercing gun then that should answer the question.

How long should you stay out of water after getting your belly button pierced?

Sheets#1 says: When I got mine done they told me around 6 months (if you mean by a pool because of clorine)

How long should you wait after getting your cartilage pierced to pierce your ear again?

you dont have to wait an exact length of time, i pierce mine all the time ive got a total of 9 in my left ear and they are fine. Enjoy piercing!

Can you swim in the ocean with newly pierced ears?

Sure you can. Ear piercings only go bad, if you don't look after them. Make sure you clean it with either antiseptic or warm salt water twice a day, and with clean hands twist the stud around throughout the day. Trust me on this one, I have my ears pierced twice on the lobe and three times on the cartilage (at the top and middle of my right & the bottom bit of cartilage on the left) and I swim 3 times a week for a club. Happy Swimming :)

Which ear should a girl get her cartilage pierced in?

Right if your a lesbian, left if your straight. On the contrary. It doesn't matter which side you get your cartilage pierced on. In today's society the left is right right is wrong saying is only used for guys, it holds no meaning to women. Go with whatever feels the most comfortable! so...IT DOESN'T MATTER! :)

Will it hurt tp go swimming after you get your belly button pierced?

You shouldn't go swimming for at least 2 months after you get it pierced.After that,it should be healed enough to the point that it won't hurt.

How much is it to get your cartilage pierced at Claires?

You should NOT get your cartilage pierced at any other place aside from a tattoo parlor. No piercings should be done without a hollow needle as a regular needle will push the skin and cartilage that is being pierced to the back of your ear causing infection, swelling, and an all out gross looking ear. I highly suggest that you go to a tattoo parlor and get it done professionally. It will cost anywhere from10-40 dollars depending on where you go and if you have an earring to go in it. The earring should be steel as it is hypoallergenic. Sources: I'm a piercer and I have a lot of experience and I have many piercings including my cartilage. Hope this helps. --------------------------------------------------- Improved answer: I dont understand why everyone says not to get it done at Claire's. I got my cartilage done at Claire's and it was PERFECTLY FINE. It was $33 for the earring, piercing, and ear cleaner fluid. My ear did NOT get infected and nothing bad happened at all. Personally tattoo parlors are pretty scary.... Everyone at Claire's are nice and friendly Sources: Got my cartilage pierced at Claire's