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6~8 weeks and even longer depending on how the piercing was done. As long as the mater is whitish yellow you are o.k. and that is normal discharge, it will ease up as the piercing heals and becomes seasoned.

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Q: How long should you have discharge from your nipple piercing?
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What happens if you have a nipple piercing for too long?

As long as you are taking care of it nothing would happen and it should be fine.

How long nipple piercing?

It varies from person to person, depending on the size of your nipple.

How long can nipple piercing last?

Provided it was done properly and it is deep enough, it shouldn't reject and should last for as long as you want it.

Is sum blood a sign of infected nipple piercing?

How long has it been pierced

How long do you wait after a nipple piercing closes to get it repierced?

You can get it done again once you're sure the piercing is healed inside as well as out.

How long do you have to wait to change your Nipple piercing?

It is best to wait about 6-8 weeks like you would with any other piercing :)

What does it mean if their is a hard surface around your nipple piercing?

That will some times happen with nipple piercing as they are healing, as long as there is no other irritation from cleaning products or anything else the piercing will soften as the piercing heals. This is a guarding maneuver the tissue does as it heals. Just be sure to rinse the piercings daily under running water. You should have no need to be using any cleaning product or healing agent on your piercing, just diluted antibacterial soap and water should be all you are using. Keep in mind the nipples will also developer in size slightly as the piercings heal, this is also normal.

Can you use nipple bars as tongue bars?

Yes, as long as the gauge is correct for the tongue piercing - for example : nipple bar is 14 gauge - usual tongue piercing jewellery is 14 gauge and the length of the nipple bar is the correct length for the wearers tongue (this varies from person to person). Basically - if it fits - wear it!

Can you breastfeed even if you had nipple piercing?

Yes I have had lots of clients who have received nipple piercings and have successfully breast fed there children. As long as the piercings were done correctly and healed without issue breast feeding with the jewellery in or out is not and issue.

How long does the nipple piercing stay sore for?

It varies person to person. On average, it takes 3-6months for the piercings to heal completely. Everyone is different.

What should you do if your tongue piercing caused an enlarged hole?

The barbell is too long for the piercing and should have been shortened after two weeks, get a shorter barbell in the piercing and it should settle down.

How long do cheek piercings normally puss for?

It's not puss if it's whitish in color, if it's clear then you have an issue, if it's green then you have and infection. If the discharge is clear your saliva duct has been pierced and you need to have the piercing cauterized by a doctor and you will loose the piercing. If the discharge is green and the piercing is red then you have an infection and again need to see the doctor to have it looked at. A whitish yellow discharge is normal lymphatic matter and that will ease as the piercing generates a light heal ( about 2 weeks sometimes longer ) the piercing will not be fully healed for several months and can take up to a year to season.