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This depends on how often you smoke. A few times a month = about 15 days. A few times a week = about 30 days. Every day = up to 90 days.

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Q: How long should you stop smoking weed to pass a drug test age 42 weight 200?
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How long does it take to pass a drug test after smoking weed?

31 to 45 days

How long should one wait after taking 20mg of Vyvanse aka Lisdexamfetamine before using cannabis in order to prevent dangerous drug interactions?

Start smoking asap they cannabis does not cause dangerous drug interactions.

How long does the drug ice by smoking stay in your system and can it be detected by a urine sample.?

72 hours

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how long ago ??

How long does THC stay in your system if you smoke 3 blunts a day and weight 300?

7-30 days drinking lots of water and not smoking will generally greatly reduce the Detection Period in Urine for a drug test.

Should you have been spanked for smoking?

A person should not be spanked for smoking. Every person over the age of 18 has the right to smoke cigarettes, as long as they follow smoking laws.

Should you crush a long lasting drug?

No, this could be harmful to the drug

How long should you expect to gain weight after quitting smoking?

People gain weight when they quit smoking because cigarettes are an appetite suppressant. Most people who smoke replace snacking and/or meals with cigarette smoking. When someone quits smoking, they will notice that they are hungry more often. Usually, they will replace smoking with snacking and/or eating more often. If you recently quit smoking, and you do not want to gain weight from increased appetite, then try snacking on fruits and vegetables. Count the calories in your meals. Lower calorie meals can be just as filling as higher calorie meals. You will continue to gain weight as long as your calorie intake exceeds the amount of calories you are burning during a normal day. A good average is 2000 calories a day for men and 1500 calories a day for women to maintain your weight. How long you continue to gain weight is affected by many variables, but on average, a person will level out after 4-8 months. However, the potential to continue to gain weight, continuously, does exsist. If you are diligent about watching your calorie intake, you will be fine.

How long does it take till your high?

depends on your, weight, dose and potency of the drug

Can drinking pomegranate juice clean your system of pot?

There are many factors to getting pot out of your system. If your skinny and have been smoking generic weed, you could pass a drug test in as little as a few weeks after stopped smoking. If you are over weight and have been smoking the strong expensive stuff for a long time, it could take up to two months to pass a drug test. They sell the personal home drug testing kits at the pharmacies for about $5.00. Drinking the pomegranate juice and fasting might help some.

How long do you have to be in a room with a person smoking pot and you are not to fail a drug test?

You would have to really be around pot smoke for a long timeand actually inhale it to fail a test.

How long does molly the drug take to get out of your system?

3-5 days depending on your weight and metabolism