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Since you would have had a local anesthetic for the removal (most probably) you should wait until the numbness is gone, otherwise you might accidentally bite your cheek and not feel it. Otherwise, you are free to chew.

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It varies for each person. Some people are fine a day or two later, while others take weeks. You want to give the sockets a chance to heal properly, so even if you feel fine, be careful about eating anything too crunchy or sticky, as that could damage wounds or get stuck in them and cause infection.

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24 hours at the minimum

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Q: How long should you wait to chew after wisdom teeth removal?
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Can you eat chocolate after wisdom teeth removal?

Provided it does not stay on the area where the tooth was and it is small and soft enough for you to chew, yes.

How do you look after gerbils teeth?

You can give them different chew toys for them to chew on and it should keep the teeth at a decent length.

Can you eat limons after your wisdom teeth are extracted?

After wisdom teeth extraction it is important to avoid eating difficult to chew foods. Limons can be used, you can eat limon-flavored pudding, as it is not quite as sweet tasting.

Are wisdom teeth an example of human evolution taking place right now?

Wisdom teeth are vestigial organs, which are organs that have lost their original or primary function. Wisdom teeth were used when humans had a primarily vegetative diet and needed to chew through thick vegetation. Rather than an example of evolution taking place, wisdom teeth reveal the remains of evolution.

What to eat for the first couple weeks after wisdom teeth removal?

you should eat soup or you should eat something soft After 2 weeks you can eat like normal but if you chew meat for instance it might feel uncomfortable so choose the other side. Since it's self healing without stitches it heals fast.

What can you eat while you are first getting your wisdom teeth?

Icecream, pudding, basically anything soft that you don't have to chew.

What is the important of wisdom tooth?

Anthropologists believe that wisdom teeth, or the third set of molars, were needed by our early ancestors whose diet of hard to chew foods like leaves, roots, nuts, and meat, required more chewing and caused excessive wear of the teeth. We don't need them now, as food is softer and much easier to chew.

Do bunny's teeth hurt when they grow?

yes they should chew on wood No, they do not hurt. Yes, they should have something to chew on (food is adequate) to keep the teeth worn down. A rabbit's teeth grow constantly. Proper bite and food to eat will keep them worn down properly.

Why do teeth chew your food?

Because, without teeth, your mouth would have no other device to chew with.

Crush food with your teeth?

crush food with your teeth? quite simple its chew

How long do you wait until the canine teeth can pulled out?

Forever... canine teeth should not be pulled out. You will not be able to chew meat well.

What do dolphins us their teeth for do they chew their food?

they use their teeth to grab their food and they don't chew their food