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The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for diagnostic medical sonographers.

Diagnostic medical sonography is an occupation to which there are multiple paths of entry. Formal education in sonography, training, or a combination of these are accepted by employers. Employers do prefer sonographers who have received education from an accredited program or completed training in an accredited practice, and who are registered.

Education and training. There are several avenues for entry into the field of diagnostic medical sonography. Sonographers may train in hospitals, vocational-technical institutions, colleges or universities, or the Armed Forces. Some training programs prefer applicants with experience in other healthcare professions or high school graduates with courses in mathematics, health, and science.

Colleges and universities offer formal training in both 2-year and 4-year programs, resulting in either an associate or a bachelor's degree. Two-year programs are the most prevalent. Coursework includes classes in anatomy, physiology, instrumentation, basic physics, patient care, and medical ethics. In 2008, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited over 150 training programs. Accredited programs are offered by colleges and universities. Some hospital programs are accredited as well.

A few 1-year programs that typically result in a vocational certificate also are accepted as proper education by employers. These programs are useful usually only for workers already employed in a healthcare occupation who seek to increase their marketability by training in sonography. One-year vocational-certificate programs are not accredited by the CAAHEP.

Certification and other qualifications. No States require licensure in diagnostic medical sonography. However, sonographers may become credentialed by one of the professional certifying bodies. Most employers prefer to hire registered sonographers because registration provides an objective measure of an individual's professional standing. To become registered, one must first become eligible to take the examination by completing the proper education, training, or work experience. The exam typically includes a physics and instrumentation exam in a sonography specialty. Typically, sonographers must complete a required number of continuing-education hours to maintain registration. For specific details on credentialing, contact the certifying organization.

The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) certifies each person who passes the exam as a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS). This credential can be obtained for several different specialty areas like the abdomen, breast, or nervous system. The ARDMS also credentials cardiac and vascular sonographers. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologist offers credentials in breast and vascular sonography. The Cardiovascular Credentialing International credentials cardiac sonographers. (Vascular sonographers and cardiac sonographers are covered in the Handbook statement on cardiovascular technologists and technicians.)

Sonographers should have good communication and interpersonal skills, because they must be able to explain technical procedures and results to their patients, some of whom may be nervous. Good hand-eye coordination is particularly important to obtaining quality images. It is very important that sonographers enjoy lifelong learning, because continuing education is crucial to workers in the ever-changing field of diagnostic medicine.

Advancement. Sonographers can seek advancement by obtaining competency in more than one specialty. For example, obstetric sonographers might seek training in abdominal sonography to broaden their opportunities and increase their marketability. Sonographers also may seek multiple credentials-for example, being both a registered diagnostic medical sonographer and a registered diagnostic cardiac sonographer.

Sonographers may advance by taking supervisory, managerial, or administrative positions.

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

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Q: How long to become diagnostic cardiac sonographer?
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How long does it take to become a diagnostic medical sonographer?

it's a two year program at a Jr. or Community college. If you attend full time. Figure on 3 years depending on waiting lists for programs. You'll alos ned a lot of math and science, including anatomy/physiology and physics. You can work in hospitals or work at various private medical offices.

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Cardiac means anything to do with the heart so go and have a good long think about that... Smooth muscle is found covering organs like the stomach.

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