

Why cardiac muscles do not fatigue easily?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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blc cardiac muscles ve long refractory factor

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Q: Why cardiac muscles do not fatigue easily?
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What can cardiac muscle do that no other muscle can do?

Cardiac muscles can work without fatigue.

What type of muscles are the cardiac muscles?

cardiac muscles

What are the two microscopic features of cardiac cells that help distinguish them from other types of muscle cells?

Cardiac muscles are found solely in the heart. The involuntary muscles making up the heart don't suffer fatigue like the regular muscles do.

What muscle tissue is the tissue of the heart?

Cardiac muscle is found in the heart. The other two types of muscle are smooth and striated (skeletal) muscle.Cardiac muscle, the third kind of muscle (the other two being skeletal and smooth muscle.

Can you contract your smooth and cardiac muscles on purpose?

Smooth Muscles can, but Cardiac Muscles can not.

Skeletal and cardiac muscles are this?

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated muscles.

Function of cardiac muscles?

The function of cardiac muscle is to pump blood.

Is cardiac a type of muscles?

Yes. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart which is why they call it cardiac arrest.

What are examples of cardiac muscles?

heart muscles

Cardiac muscles are found where?

The Cardiac muscles are found in your heart.

Which organ do Cardiac muscles control?

Cardiac muscles form the heart.

Why muscle fatigue does not occur in cardiac muscle?

because the cardiac muscles are involuntary muscles (work automatically),therefore the will always be working and never get tired.involuntary muscles aree....Smooth muscle or "involuntary muscle" is found within the walls of organs and structures such as the oesophagus, stomach, intestines, bronchi, uterus, ureters, bladder, and blood vessels.Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are actually two different things. Both are involuntary muscles but cardiac is striated and can sometimes be multinucleated whereas smooth muscle is always single nucleated and not striated.