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because the cardiac muscles are involuntary muscles (work automatically),

therefore the will always be working and never get tired.

involuntary muscles aree....

Smooth muscle or "involuntary muscle" is found within the walls of organs and structures such as the oesophagus, stomach, intestines, bronchi, uterus, ureters, bladder, and blood vessels.

Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are actually two different things. Both are involuntary muscles but cardiac is striated and can sometimes be multinucleated whereas smooth muscle is always single nucleated and not striated.

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Q: Why muscle fatigue does not occur in cardiac muscle?
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What can cardiac muscle do that no other muscle can do?

Cardiac muscles can work without fatigue.

What Cardiac Muscle makes up what organ?

Cardiac muscle is made of cardiac muscle cells. Cardiac muscle is under the control of the autonomous nervous system and is not susceptible to fatigue

What is a muscle found in the heart?

Cardiac muscle is the foundation of the heart. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle meaning that it works on its own. You engage it like you would an arm or a let. The cardiac muscle has a built in system allowing it to be virtually fatigue resistant. This is because cardiac muscle is loaded with mitochondria which are a cell's power house or power plant.

Why is the heart fatigue resistant?

Cardiac muscle is designed to continually work without tiring

What muscle tissue is the tissue of the heart?

Cardiac muscle is found in the heart. The other two types of muscle are smooth and striated (skeletal) muscle.Cardiac muscle, the third kind of muscle (the other two being skeletal and smooth muscle.

Function of cardiac muscles?

The function of cardiac muscle is to pump blood.

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What is the fuction of the cardiac cell?

Cardiac muscle cells are the cells that make up the cardiac muscle and help to pump blood through your heart. Each of these cells contain myofibrils which are the contractile units of muscle cells. These cells have the ability to produce ATP quickly, making them resistant to fatigue.

Compare and contrast skeletal cardiac and smooth muscles?

Cardiac muscle uses aerobic respiration which is rich in myoglobulin, glycogen, and very large mitochondria that fills over 25% of the cell. Skeletal muscle only 2% of the cell. In turn makes cardiac muscle highly resistant to fatigue.

What does the muscle tissue do in the heart?

Muscle tissue, also called cardiac muscle, are striated and highly resistant to fatigue, thus enables contraction and relaxation which involved in pumping blood.

What is the muscle tissue found in the heart?

Smooth cardiac muscle.

Muscle tissue that has intercalated disks?

cardiac muscle cells are joined by intercalated disks.