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Cardiac muscle is designed to continually work without tiring

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Q: Why is the heart fatigue resistant?
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Slow twitch muscle fibers are resistant to what?

are very resistant to fatigue

What are fatigue resistant fibers?

slow fiber

What does the muscle tissue do in the heart?

Muscle tissue, also called cardiac muscle, are striated and highly resistant to fatigue, thus enables contraction and relaxation which involved in pumping blood.

What is the type of muscle that is most resistant to fatigue?

SlowThe slow oxidative muscle fibers are more resistant to fatigue.Cardiac muscle is most resistant to fatigue. Cardiac muscle is constantly working involuntarily to keep us alive by pumping blood through our system. It must be resistant to fatigue for us to be healthy.Intermediate fibers

What are the symptoms of Heart Blocks?

When one has a heart block, he will have a low heart rate, difficulty breathing, fatigue and cyanosis.

Activities such as swimming and running are most likely to stimulate development of what type of muscle fibers?

Slow, fatigue-resistant fibers

Can your heart murmur make you very tired?

A heart murmur can be indicative of an abnormality with one of the heart valves, which can indeed cause fatigue.

What is a muscle found in the heart?

Cardiac muscle is the foundation of the heart. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle meaning that it works on its own. You engage it like you would an arm or a let. The cardiac muscle has a built in system allowing it to be virtually fatigue resistant. This is because cardiac muscle is loaded with mitochondria which are a cell's power house or power plant.

The most heart healthy margarines are those?

Which are the most resistant to rancidity

What is the fuction of the cardiac cell?

Cardiac muscle cells are the cells that make up the cardiac muscle and help to pump blood through your heart. Each of these cells contain myofibrils which are the contractile units of muscle cells. These cells have the ability to produce ATP quickly, making them resistant to fatigue.

What diseases and disorders will effect the stomach?

the diseases are : pain fatigue cramps heart attack

How can you tell if your weight is within a healthy range?

Simple Find you max heart rate 220-age then lets say for me 220-15 My heart rate is 205 now multiply it but .85 so it will be 205*.85=174 Run for 5 min check your heart rate, if it reaches 174 and you begin to receive fatigue, you are over weight and unfit. If you are not having fatigue you are Fit. I did this test, i am chunky but i did not receive fatigue, so my weight apperantly is good. Simple Health =) Simple Find you max heart rate 220-age then lets say for me 220-15 My heart rate is 205 now multiply it but .85 so it will be 205*.85=174 Run for 5 min check your heart rate, if it reaches 174 and you begin to receive fatigue, you are over weight and unfit. If you are not having fatigue you are Fit. I did this test, i am chunky but i did not receive fatigue, so my weight apperantly is good. Simple Health =)