

How long until you can use xhtml 2 and css 3.0?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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XHTML 2.0 exists, and is ready for use. CSS 2.0 is a bit recent (at the time of writing), and because of that, CSS 3.0 probably won't be coming out for awhile.

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Q: How long until you can use xhtml 2 and css 3.0?
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What are the Differences between style sheet and templates?

Templates can be composed of HTML/XHTML files, images, and a CSS file. They all work together to make a site, but the CSS has the control over how it looks. A CSS file by itself is just that. A CSS file of no use until it is linked to bt web pages to use its styling properties.

How do you add a border to a div in XHTML strict?

You use CSS.If you have this document:---...---and add this CSS rule (in a ... tag or a separate file):---.test { border: 1px solid black; }---you will get a 1 pixel black border around the div.Check out CSS for other options.

Why we you use xhtml?

XHTML is used as a stricter view of HTML. People who like to make the code clean and nice use XHTML.

What XHTML tag is used to indent a paragraph of text?

To indent a paragraph of text using XHTML, simply enclose the paragraph in an opening and closing <blockquote> tag. the <blockquote> tag is used for quoted text, not for indenting text. If you want to indent text you need to use the text-indent with CSS.

What xhtml tag is used to add space between paragraphs?

You could theoretically use the tag, but that would miss the point of XHTML.One reason we've moved to XHTML is to separate layout from meaning. In HTML, we used to use tags for everything, which meant the HTML markup was really ugly. XHTML strict doesn't allow most of the HTML tags that were formerly used for layout (font, center, b, i, and so on...)In XHTML, all of that sort of work is delegated to CSS. So the simple answer is this:You don't use an xhtml tag to add space between paragraphs. Use CSS for that. For example, adding the following to the head area of your form will work:p {margin-top: 2em;}This will add space to the top of every paragraph, increasing all of the paragraph spacing immediately without the need for any other tags in the main body of the page.

What are lists of statements that use a single location to specify how to display html and xhtml elements?

A list of statements located in a single file at a specific location that determine how the browser will display HTML or XHTML elements is called a stylesheet.The language a stylesheet is written in is called Cascading Style-Sheets, or CSS. These commands are imported or linked to by an HTML document, and the browser applies them to the elements at runtime.

What HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?

The internal stylesheet is added at the beginning of the document, in the HEAD section of an HTML page. <style type="text/css"> .style {font-weight:bold}: </style> If you want to use inline styles, then use the style attribute: <p style="font-size:24px;">Blah blah blah</p>

What is the use of in css?

Inline CSS is one of the ways to apply CSS. It is the styling which is done with the individual element.

What extension do you assign XHTML documents?

XHTML documents use the same HTML extension. They are similar just are more strict than the former.

Difference between inline and internal css?

Inline CSS sits within the HTML tag.For example: your text hereWhen using Internal CSS, all the CSS instructions sit in the section between your css here tags.To use Internal CSS you have to tell the page that you want it to use the css whilst Inline CSS is run automatically as the page is read.

What does XHTML stand for and what is it used for?

XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language.It is a language that branches off of HTML, combining the use of XML syntax with HTML markup; all tags and attributes must be lowercase, all tags must be closed, and tags must be nested properly (as to not overlap one another in a shift).The requirements to comply with XHTML standards force the use of CSS in the place of specific tags to establish cross-browser compatibility on styles. These standards are issued by the W3C.XHTML is compatible with all (if not, most) modern browsers.

What is the element of CSS?

Mostly use Pseudo-elements in CSS for website designing.