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Q: How long was Gerald Ford vice president?
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Who replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president of the US in 1973?

The person to replace Spiro Agnew in 1973 was Gerald Ford. President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to be Vice President.

Who was the only american to become vice-president and president after resignations?

Gerald Rudolph Ford was the first vice-president to become president after a resignation.

Gerald Fords vice pres?

Gerald Ford's Vice President was Nelson A. Rockefeller.

Who did Gerald Ford replace?

Gerald Ford replaced Spiro Agnew as Vice President, and Richard Nixon as President.

Which president is the only one not to have been elected vice president or president?

Gerald Ford. He was appointed Vice president by President Richard Nixon when the elected Vice president, Spiro Agnew, resigned. Then Ford became President by succeeding to the office when President Nixon resigned from office.

What vice president became president in 1974?

Gerald Ford

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Was Gerald Ford a Republican vice president?


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Who is the vice president who became president in 1974?

Gerald Ford was the Vice President from 1973 -1974 under President Richard Nixon, after Spiro Agnew resigned from Office. Ford became president when President Nixon was impeached. President Ford's Vice President was Nelson Rockefeller from 1974-1977

What US President was not elected either President or Vice President?

Gerald R. Ford. Ford was selected and confirmed as the vice President on December 6, 1973, while he was a US Congressman, after the resignation of Vice president Spiro T. Agnew. Ford then became President on August 9, 1974 with the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.(Ford ran for reelection but was defeated by Jimmy Carter in 1976, so he was never elected President or vice president.)

Who was both the president and vice president that did not face elections?

Gerald Ford