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THEY ARNT MARRIED. Pocahantas is married to John Rolfe , but she helped John smith with jamestown . To grow crops and to built because people in jamestown did not know how to do that. So John smith got help from the indians.

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What was pocahantas known for?

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Did Pocahontas marry John Rolfe in the Disney movie?

Yes. She didn't fall in love with John Smith, but saved him. She married with John Rolfe and had a son named Thomas Rolfe.

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When the English colonists John Smith was taken by Powhatan warriors and Pocahontas save him from execution.

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John Rolfe.

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It was a very hard life they had to fight the native Americans. Captain John Smith almost got killed by Powahatan but his daughter, Pocahantas saved him.

What is pocahantas famous for?

Pocahontas is most known for saving John Smith's life. She was also a peacemaker between the English colonists and the Powhatans Indians.

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how old was pocahantas in 1608 how old was pocahantas in 1608 how old was pocahantas in 1608 how old was pocahantas in 1608

Is the love story between Pocahontas and John Smith based on truth?

Once upon a time there was a dog named john and a cat named smith. They became best friends. They had a human child named john smith. The was a horrible child that never listend and lived at Jamestoen. Then one day, a girl named Pocahantas showed up looking for gold. Then she captured john smith and only feed him a piece of corn each day. He escpaed and wrote a legend about his fantisy.

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Pocahantas saves john rolfe and her motivation is because she loves him