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Q: How long was an offending nation given to surrender?
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Why did Roosevelt want to attack mainland Japan?

He didn't. That's why US opted to use the bombs to force a surrender & save lives on both sides in the long run. They were also warned & given an opportunity to surrender before they were used.

What does any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure mean?

This means that a nation that does not honor the ones who protect it will soon not have any to protect them. Medals of honor are often given to celebrate these heroes.

How long after hitlers death did Germany surrender?

It depends on the country Hitler was demanding surrender from.

When you have been served orders to surrender property how long do you have to get out?

That will be stated on the order.

How long did the Germans surrender after hitlers death?

one week

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Prophet Jeremiah saw the task of announcing the imminent arrival of danger as a leading feature of his mission to his nation and to the surrounding world. Not long after the warning came Jerusalem's surrender to the Babylonians in 597 B.C.E.

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The continent of Australia was first given the official name of Australia in 1824. As a nation, Australia became the Commonwealth of Australia at Federation on 1 January 1901.

How long did world war2last?

For the US, December 1941 until August/Sept 1945. Japan signed her surrender papers in September. Germany signed their surrender papers in May 1945.

How do you know that it is a nation?

A nation is recognized by the United Nations, the smalles nation is Sealand housing around 27 people. No matter how small a nation is, as long as it si recognized by the UN, it is considered a nation.

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three days

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New York