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Q: How long was anne frank hidden form the Nazis?
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Related questions

Who wrote the book anne Frank?

The Diary of Anne Frank was written by Anne Frank herself, a Jewish girl who documented her experiences hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Her diary has since been published in over 70 languages and is considered a powerful account of the Holocaust from a personal perspective.

Where did Jews hide form the Nazis?

well ann frank and her family hid in , her father otto franks office

Where did Anne Frank go to school?

Anne Frank attended the Sixth Montessori School in Amsterdam for primary education, before going to the Jewish Lyceum for secondary education.

How many pages are in Anne Frank's diary of a young girl?

The book has 282 pages

Who was responsible for Anne's diary being written in book form?

Otto Frank and Miep Gies collected Anne's original diary after she died and compiled it into a book format.

Who is Kraler in the diary of Anne Frank?

He is the person who helps the Van Daan's and the Frank's and Mr. Dussel into safety. He gets blackmailed by one of his employees and also gets found out by Nazi leaders (Gestapo)acually he is the one that helps hide the Van Pells and the Franks and Mr. Fritze Feiffer. The characters you are thiinking of is either form the play "the Dairy of Anne Frank," The book "Dairy of a young girl". She changed the names to protect the identities of the occuants of the Annex. (:he is also one of the many people who remembered anne frank cha cha un yuksies et magadoba

Where did Anne Frank take ballet?

Anne Frank took ballet lessons at a studio in Amsterdam. She enjoyed dancing and considered it a form of escape from the difficulties of living in hiding during World War II.

Why does Anne Frank tease Peter Vandaan?

Anne Frank teases Peter van Daan as a way to build a connection and alleviate the tension and boredom of living in hiding during World War II. Their teasing can be viewed as a form of lighthearted flirting or as a coping mechanism to maintain a sense of normalcy in an otherwise stressful and confined environment.

What did Anne Frank do when the bombs started dropping?

Anne Frank and her family hid in a secret annex in Amsterdam when the bombs started dropping during World War II. They remained in hiding to avoid being captured by the Nazis.

Who did Anne Frank see Pleading Help Oh Help?

Anne Frank saw Pleading Help Oh Help written on a wall in the Secret Annex where her family was hiding during the Holocaust. It is believed that she found it comforting to see these words as a form of solidarity in their difficult situation.

Why did the Nazis form?

To kill the Jews

What is the plural form of Nazi?

Nazis is the plural form of Nazi.